Out of the Ether

Chapter 8

Those two forbidden but delicious treats – Politics and Religion

The Age of the White Man.

  • Politics is about the way people make rules to manage their society.
  • Religion is the system of beliefs which defines the supernatural world view of their society.

But religion is way more complicated than that brief description, as its role  is not necessarily to lead you home to Oneness, but to steer you off course into the lofty peaks of binary Mind. So there’s a difference between a religion and a true spiritual pathway to God.

Religion will generally be a system of beliefs which appeal to members of the society. It has several levels to accomodate the different awareness of its members. It functions alongside politics to guide the society, to maintain its course, to prevent anarchy and rebellion.

A Spiritual Path is for individual members of the society, it Iives on the fringe, is rarely, if ever mainstream. It keeps its political and religious views to itself, so should be seen as neutral, if seen at all. It’s like a secret society within a society, it’s leader a teacher who guides his followers past the traps of mind on the path to Oneness.

A third pillar of a society is its economy. These 3, politics, religion and economy work together as a trinity of social accord, but each can run off on a tangent, leaving the society vulnerable to fall.

In every age there are religions to help organise the society, and spiritual paths which diffuse a spiritual energy into the society. These are 2 different roles and a harmonious society will have both.

India is renowned for its Ashrams, but not all have had spiritually qualified leaders to guide their followers through the maze of mind to the ultimate goal. The more grandiose their ashram could tell us how far they fall short, or how big is their scam.

It’s not possible to evaluate and grade the thousands of Gurus and teachers from the time of Krishna to the India of today, but Buddha and the un-named founders of Jainism, around 500 BC are early standouts.

Since then there have been hundreds more, but with each revision there’s a re-interpretation of what was supposed to be true. So over time, from the beginning of an age, over its thousands of years, there’s a gradual divergence from the original simplicity of its truth, replaced instead with the complexity of religious doctrine and dogma.

At the beginning of an age, at the beginning of the cycles within each age, there will be enlightened leaders who bring energy and vision. They give life to the vision, it invigorates the society, grows into a mission, with broad community involvement it becomes a movement.

We don’t have to pinpoint the beginning of the Age of the White Man, but 5 or 6000 years ago, someone there on the Steppes of Central Asia had a vision, which inspired a tribe of horsemen, which grew in number and influence and blossomed into an organised culture. Then, through their travels, intermingling with numerous additional cultures, they spread their  DNA and language.

Their original tongue, Proto Indo-European constantly evolved into a family tree, spawning hundreds of languages, one branch led to Indo- Iranian, or Indo-Aryan, to Sanskrit, and on to include 65% of languages spoken on earth today. It’s still evolving with the global adoption of English.

Whether they had an expansionist plan, or were reacting to adverse conditions at home, it inspired, or drove its leaders to migrate, both east and west, which over the next 2000 years ultimately touched all corners, and transformed life across the globe.


This chapter will explore how Politics and Religion have played their roles in shaping our history. But this title “Introducing — the Age of the White Man” is misleading, as it’s really an Introduction to the “Age of Indo-European Language”, as that’s the constant throughout this Age.

The White Man himself has played a significant role in this age, particularly for the last 500 years, but he’s not the only player who speaks an Indo-European related language. Today that’s close to 50% of the world’s population, of which only 15% have white skin.

But really, why should we be focused on white skin? when it’s just the colour of a pigmented protective layer over flesh and bone. It’s a racist’s obsession. Surely it’s more relevant to classify the Age based on man’s intellectual and philosophical achievements, which are found in the mind realm, and expressed in his language.

The source of the thousands of Indo-European languages has been traced through the Yamnaya Culture of pastoralists who lived on the grasslands of Central West Asia. They were tall, had fair to light brown skin, brown hair and brown eyes. Their language was Proto Indo-European, which to the east evolved into Indo-Iranian, which branched into Indic, from there to Sanskrit and the languages of northern India.

A southward branch led to Iranian and a bunch more dead and living languages, while the north and westward migrations into Europe led to Baltic, Slavic, Italic to Latin, Albanian, Hellenic to Greek.

So from the borders of China, south into the Indian subcontinent, west to Spain and Portugal, north into the Baltic and Scandinavia, south into Italy and Greece, wherever they went they spread their DNA and language. These languages and the white skinned people who have evolved from their genes have gone on to invade and colonise much of the world, to dominate its politics, religion and control its global economy.

So as well as the “Age of the White Man”, or the “Age of Indo-European Language”, a third alternative is “The Age of Western Civilisation”, a particularly significant chapter, within this chapter which looks like it’s now in transition, as China, the home of a different race and an entirely different language and culture is on the rise. 

China was invaded, raped and pillaged by the “Western Civilisation’s White Man”, which China has never forgotten. Instead it survived intact, brushed itself off, and is now the worlds largest economy. The white mans world order is now under threat as China is intent on revenge for those past humiliations and insults.


We can begin our story in Africa where Homo Sapien man evolved and matured till ready to journey abroad. The first migration out of Africa began about 75,000 years ago, with the first wave walking around the shore line  to Australia, where they remained isolated for 60,000 years.

The second wave of African migration was from 35 to 50,000 years ago. This spread dark skinned people through north and western Europe, and to the far east through Asia to populate the rest of the world.

Europeans are descended from three main migrations. The first was that second wave out of Africa who were hunters and gatherers. Then about 9,000 years ago came farmers from the south east through the present day Turkey. This was the Mesolithic period in the middle of the Stone Age. The population was generally dark skinned, some with startling blue or green eyes.

The third migration were the Yamnaya pastoralists and their descendants from the grasslands of today’s Ukraine and Russia, early Bronze Age cultures with light coloured skin, brown eyes and hair. They owed their lighter skin to mutations which improved the synthesis of vitamin D, an advantageous trait in the higher latitudes with less sunlight. They were also lactose tolerant, another advantageous trait as it meant they could digest milk, yogurt and cheese.

It’s tempting to call their migrations an invasion as their genes were passed on to the indigenous hunter gatherers very quickly, just a few hundred years to achieve around 50% of the gene pool, but it was mainly the male chromosome passed on. Which suggests there was a degree of violence involved, it’s even been suggested a genocide can’t be ruled out.

But maybe it wasn’t all brutality, and the indigenous girls were so attracted to these more sophisticated, light skin horsemen with their fancy language, and copper or bronze culinary tools. Could they have shunned their cave man like mates, who might have been behaving like misogynistic club wielding neanderthals anyway.

The Yamnaya are also known as the mythical white skinned Aryan Horsemen, who the Nazis mistakenly thought were the blue eyed blond haired white skinned master race they were descended from. But Hitler was confused on several fronts, including his misunderstanding of the origins of the Christian religion. But that’s another intriguing, politically explosive, forbidden story.

They were also the horsemen who went east, following a rather circuitous route in their migration to India. That was after spending

a few hundred years in and around Ukraine to blend in new genes including blue eyes, and new skills from the indigenous pottery makers and farming cultures.

They traveled by foot, horseback and rode in their covered wagons, in a long wide loop from the western steppes, then curved south west through Afghanistan, through Pakistan, the Indus Valley with it’s ageing Harappa culture, then turned south east into Northern India.

Again the DNA spread was mostly male, but better we retract that reference to club wielding neanderthal cave men, as the Indus Valley Civilisation was an early Hindu society, with sophisticated cities and trading links across Asia.


While it’s suggested the Yamnaya Culture are responsible for all this, that’s a too narrow perspective, as these migrations of pastoralists continued on long after the Yamnaya culture itself had faded and morphed into something new. Yamnaya are credited with being first, are given naming rights to the whole movement, but there were cultures before them carrying the same DNA, but their time in the sun was yet to come.

The movement began in earnest when their stars aligned, with 4 elements coming together to create the conditions for their success.

First they evolved into pastoralists who herded sheep, cattle and horses.

Second they were possibly the first to harness and ride horses which gave then an  advantage for domestic herding, rapid transportation, and a tactical advantage in warfare, and for raids on neighbouring cultures.

Third they developed 4 wheeled covered wagons, harnessed to horses to carry their tents, goods and infirm people vast distances.

Four, they were leaders in the emerging Bronze Age so we’re casting metal domestic tools and weapons for defence and warfare. We can add a fifth element as later migrations of these pastoralists, not necessarily Yamnaya but their successors, developed the 2 man military chariot.

But of equal importance was their psychological advantage in their cultural identity, their religion and their relationship with their Gods, where there was an expectation of reciprocal give and take. The Patron/Client agreement of giving through ritual sacrifice, and expecting protection and good fortune in return.

This taught them the value of agreements and contracts which carried through to their relationships with the cultures they encountered along the way. So it wasn’t all subjugation and warfare as the travellers invariably managed to negotiate a favourable truce, backed by their superior military advantaged.

So while the Yamnaya cultural migrations began the spread of their DNA and language, as they encountered and mingled with new cultures both parties changed, and the Yamnaya “brand” faded into the past as a new culture emerged, with a new name, new ceramic styles, evolving customs, their language too evolved to incorporate the new realities of life, their  existence and death.

But even as the language, the cultural identity and name changed, it was still the same people, still the Yamnaya DNA. Even more so when you consider the role reincarnation plays in all of this, something I doubt is taken too seriously by the geneticists, archeologists and linguists who are busy reconstructing their ancient lost language, classifying their pottery, cataloguing their physical remains and its DNA.

But these migrations would never have occurred if the geography wasn’t right to suit the occasion. What had been inhospitable open grasslands stretching across the Eurasian continent from Ukraine to the Chinese border, became an open highway, an asset for horse riding pastoralists with wheeled vehicles. It’s that background geography and biology which ultimately facilitated their success.


There’s an interesting twist to the story where we see politics and religion intertwined, as Krishna was born around 3000 BC, but if you ask Indian historians you will be told that Krishna spoke Sanskrit. But this is totally at odds with the genetic evidence, which says Sanskrit arrived in India via descendants of the Yamnaya between 2000 and 1500 BC.

The oldest written Hindu scripts are the Vedas. The Rig Veda was passed down orally until it was recorded in Sanskrit between 1800 and 1100 BC. The rest of the Veda, including the Upanishad, were recorded by 500BC, while the epic scrips, the Mahabharata and Ramayana by 200 BC.

That’s quite a coincidence, with geneticists finding Sanskrit arrived in India at approximately the time the first sacred Hindu texts were recorded in Sanskrit. If Sanskrit is indeed an Indian indigenous language, why didn’t they write down these sacred hymns when they were first said to be composed, up to 1500 years earlier.

So it’s not surprising that today, in the 21st century AD, there is an intense political debate raging with scientists claiming Sanskrit was brought to India by Aryan horsemen (or more correctly Indo-Iranian horse riding pastoralists), and Indian religious historians and nationalist politicians claiming Sanskrit is an indigenous language.

If the Indian nativists are right then India is at the centre of human civilisation, and the source of 65% of the world’s languages. So there’s a lot of pride at stake here for the Indian side. It’s an example of how the binary nature of both Politics and Religion intertwine to create conflict.

Regardless of the un-reconcilable argument, what this does tell us, if Krishna was indeed born in 3000 BC, is that the sacred Hindu texts were passed on orally for 1500 years before being recorded in Sanskrit. To my mind, that’s a very long time for the thousands of teachers, orators and presenters to stick to the facts, and resist embellishing Krishna’s story.

It’s similar to Christianity where Jesus didn’t directly record anything, he was Jewish and possibly didn’t know a religion was to be be founded in his name. So his words were recorded after his death by a very diverse range of interpreters, and compiled into a volume 320 years later.

But going back to early India, there could be a suggestion, which would add more fuel to this controversial fire, that the Aryan Horsemen brought these sacred texts with them, that in their past were the Godmen behind the Hindu religion. But there’s no need to go there, it’s going too far, so I think we can find an elegant compromise, which won’t placate some on the Indian side, but does recognise the veracity of the geneticist’s evidence.

We can therefore presume that Proto Sanskrit was already a very significant language with the syntax necessary to describe the most nuanced and subtle concepts. When it arrived on the subcontinent it was the right language for the times. Into this spiritually charged world, the birthplace of Krishna, it was immersed in the recording of those sacred Hindu hymns, which morphed it into Vedic Sanskrit.  

The circumstances in India at this time were obviously very different from over west in Europe where these Yamnaya immigrants had first come from. It’s quite amazing to ponder who these people were, to travel these vast distances and negotiate practical agreements, to co-inhabit on the host’s land with so diverse indigenous groups. The Yamnaya descendants must have been among the most advanced societies of their day, perhaps even eclipsing many we see on planet earth today. Which is what we might expect of those who had composed their fancy language.

Here is what Wikipedia has to say: “Sanskrit, the classical language of India, has long been renowned for its beauty, subtlety and complexity. It is the key to the civilisational treasures of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, and provides direct access to the vast repository of literary, scientific and philosophical wisdom.” 

So apparently Sanskrit is one of the most ancient and beautiful languages in the world.

But, after saying it’s going too far to claim the inspiration for much of Hindu philosophy was imported from the Eurasian Steppes, and not indigenous to India, when you look into the religion of the Yamnaya and their descendant cultures you find remarkable similarities between their beliefs and the hymns of the Rig Veda. Add to that the Steppe herder’s hierarchy of priests, soldiers and commoners looks a lot like it could be the foundation underpinning the Indian caste system. With the source of the Indo European family of languages being traced back to the Eurasian Steppe’s, the evidence is mounting against the Indian indigenous theory.


The recent advances in genetics, the unmasking of the human genome, and the correlation of geneticist’s and archaeologist’s research is rewriting human history. The extraction of DNA from ancient human remains, and advances in carbon dating don’t just describe the state of a donors body.  It reveals their likely hair and skin colour and other previously unknowable characteristics. Like their genetic connections to their ancestors going back thousands of years.

Who were these Yamnaya people? New evidence shows they are probably the mix of 2 groups of ancient hunter gatherers, one a sister group who inhabited Europe before farming, and a second group who themselves are mixed with the south west Asian (middle eastern) inventors of farming.

This group also migrated east and mixed with pre ice age hunter gatherers (Dravidian language speakers) to lay the foundation of the ancient South Asia populations. 

To help understand the makeup of modern Europe, here’s some detail showing historical Yamnaya DNA penetration. In the 2700 BC Northern Europe it was 70% mixed with the indigenous Corded Ware Culture which occupied the territory to the west of the Yamnaya homeland, from Finland down to the Netherlands. But this group was probably already heavily influenced by earlier Yamnaya contact.

For comparison, the ratio in the British Isles in 2400 BC was 50%. As said earlier, it’s Yamnaya DNA passed on through future generations, so not necessarily directly via the original people classified as Yamnaya.

The Yamnaya descendent’s migration into southern Europe was less profound, around  20% at the extreme west in Iberian Spain. While down into SE Europe and Greece it was slightly less (18%) where the indigenous population was already mixed with the Stone Age Neolithic farmers, heavily influenced by that 7000 BC second wave into Europe through Turkey.

Greece is extremely important in our history, as in 570 BC Pythagoras is born on the island of Samos in the Aegean Sea. History has him as a mathematical genius, but behind that front is a spiritual master of the highest order, who moved to Kroton in Southern Italy where he established an Ashram.

His life is roughly in tune with religious/spiritual reforms around this time in India. But the significance, which may escape historians, is Buddhism and Jainism are reformations in the chain of Eastern religions which began with the birth of Krishna.

Whereas Pythagoras is a genuine Godman, the source, and conduit for energy at the beginning of the Golden Age of Greek culture. Which means Pythagoras can and probably should be recognised as the Father of Western Civilisation.

For binary symmetry within the Indo-European world, we could say that Krishna was the Father of the East, versus Pythagoras the West. No apologies to China are needed as they are the leaders on a different orbit.

There’s a suggestion Pythagoras visited India, and Indian Sages visited Greece, but actual physical contact isn’t a prerequisite of spiritual evolution. Spiritual knowledge isn’t the intellectual property of anyone as it’s available to all, from out of the ether.

Here’s an insightful quote from Pythagoras which tells us who he might be;  “Number is the ruler of forms and ideas, and the cause of gods and demons”.  I’d say from that he was a representative of the One, who knew the meaning of 222, and the magic in 3. The source of the power in numbers.

Pythagoras taught many historical characters who feature in Athenian history. One was Socrates who as the next generation was a teacher of Plato.

Plato’s most notable quotes include; “Love is a serious mental disease”. “When the mind is thinking it is talking to itself”. And; “Wise men talk because they have something to say, fools because they have to say something “.

Socrates quotes include;”The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing”.  And; “The unexamined life is not worth living”.

From Pythagoras here’s something else to ponder;  “As long as man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings, he will never know health or peace”. And “For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other”.


Democracy was a form of government pioneered during this period. Pericles was a military man who as the Prime Minister created the first social welfare state in recorded history. Socrates fell foul of the Pericles democratic government as he loudly proposed that not all citizens should have the right to vote. In the 21st century, with sociopaths like Donald Trump being elected President of the USA, many would probably agree with this sentiment.

Socrates was duly sentenced to death by the citizens of the assembly he was trying to disenfranchise. A self administered death by drinking a fatal concoction of hemlock juice. Socrates took his medicine without fear as he knew there was no such thing as death, it’s just a transition from one body to another. 

Democracy only survived in Athens for 200 years, but established the model which would be resurrected briefly in Iceland in the 10th century and in Poland in  the16th century. England too had elements of democracy in the 16th century, the USA followed in 1776, Mexico and many other countries in the 19th century.

There were many more early interpretations, but what stands out is how Democracy became the signature system of the DCCC, the Democratic Christian Capitalist Club, which went on to dominate global affairs from the 17th to 21st century AD.


A thread we will follow later under the pillar of democracy is worth mention here as it relates directly to Pythagoras and his disciple Socrate’s sentence to death.

In Kronos, when Pythagoras first arrived he was enthusiastically received, and the general population got behind his altruistic social policies, and their spiritual foundation he taught in his ashram.

The region adopted the concept of a governing council of 1000, all of whom had a vote, but because of Pythagoras’s principles and presence, those who exposed themselves as too selfish, were anti social or too dim to make community minded decisions were weeded out by the system.

This worked well for around 40 years, but when the Master was away on an extended journey to Greece a rebel group took control of the council and installed a committee which found Pythagoras guilty of corruption. An insurrection followed which set about destroying the Pythagorean institutions, infrastructure and reputation. Pythagoras returned but had to flee to a neighbouring region, to hole up in a temple out of bounds to the mob, but the ensuing siege led to his death by starvation, aged close to 100.

50 odd years later Socrates fell foul of the Council of 500 who governed the fledgling democracy in Athens. Whereas in Kronos the elected representatives had been vetted to weed out those who were unsuitable, in Athens there was no such procedure. Athen’s Council therefore was popularly elected and more representative of the community, more democratic than Kronos, complete with its fair share of self centred representatives, and it was they who swung the vote against Socrates and sentenced him to death.

So Socrates was tying to uphold the Pythagorean principle that some people were not worthy of a vote. It is the same principle espoused by the US Founding Fathers. The fate of Pythagoras, then Socrates, and 2500 years later the Brexit campaign in the UK, and the events of January 26th with the insurrection of the Capital building demonstrates the veracity of the claim, that for democracy to work some people should not have the right to vote.

Or if they do then their number needs to be minimised by education and incentive programs which encourage altruistic values and consideration of others.

The USA problem has been exacerbated by the conservative media being allowed to do the opposite, having marshalled many of those unworthy of a vote and given them a loud voice, which is now threatening to destroy their democratic system.

We should note that 40 years after the death of Pythagoras the citizens of Kronos, having realised their mistake, that they had been conned by a destabilising force, went looking for the banished Pythagorean’s, offered their apology and invited them to return to reestablish the council. But it wasn’t to be, it can’t be, as the catalyst, the Godman was gone and his vision of a heaven on earth is an unnatural state in the mind dominated binary world


There’s a saying that “Rome may have conquered Greece, but the Greek culture has conquered Rome”

The Roman Empire was founded in 625 BC but was exposed to Greek culture early in their development through interactions with the Greek colonies in Southern Italy. As said earlier, Pythagoras had an ashram down there at Kronos.

As early as 500 BC Rome sent delegations to Athens to study Greek governance and law, language and literature, religion, architecture, philosophy and more. They borrowed and based many aspects of their Empire’s administration on Greek experience and culture. Eventually Rome conquered Greece to incorporate it in their empire in 31 BC.

The Roman Empire doesn’t seem a very creative “civilisation”, though the Latin alphabet looks close to home grown. It evolved from text used by the Etruscan civilisation which was a group of city states to the north of Rome. Etruscan itself had its roots in Greek, Semitic and earlier alphabets.

The Roman empire to me looks more like an aggressive military machine which snaps up all its conquests’s good ideas and makes them their own. It’s a similar business model to 21st century multi-national corporations which don’t “invent” or create anything. They just use shareholders money to buy out their competitors, then form a cartel with what’s left.

But multi-nationals do have special skill sets being masters at creating advertising campaigns to sell things people didn’t know they needed. I could go on about being masterful at creating transfer pricing and tax avoidance schemes, outsourcing manufacturing to slave labour jurisdictions, and how that’s what you should expect when the CEO & governing board’s sole responsibility is to the shareholders, but we’ll save all that for later in the chapter.


The Roman Empire also extended West and incorporated all of Europe including Britain. In 325 AD Rome officially adopted Christianity which it then promoted throughout its empire. Not a harmonious marriage though  as the Bishop of Rome was supposedly an equal, but the Holy Roman Emperor had the final say.

When the Western half of the Empire deteriorated and Rome was in decay it came under the control of the Byzantine empire, the papacy and the empire’s capital was moved to Constantinople, today’s Istanbul in Turkiye.

When the Western half of the empire collapsed in AD 475 it left the church to itself and Europe descended into the dark ages, 900 years of economic and cultural degradation. Science was forsaken in favour of theology.

Though that heretical version of the story is of course disputed by some historians and Christian scholars.

Fortunately though, in 570 AD Mohamed was born, and in 610 had his religious experience, which led to the formal creation of Islam in 622 AD. I chose “fortunate” because during the golden age of Islam, Bagdad, in Mesopotamia, became the centre of cultural life, education and trade.

That’s probably another disputed characterisation of events. But it rings true so I’ll continue.

The thirst for knowledge led to all the Greek philosophical, cultural, scientific, physics, and maths works being translated into Arabic. Arabic consequently became for a period the language of international travel and trade.

The Islamic empire of the African Moors expanded across the North African Mediterranean coast to Gibraltar, with the Moors invading Spain in 711, which they occupied for around 700 years. During that time they built 17 prestigious universities in Spain alone, while the whole of Europe had only 2.

From across Europe came knowledge hungry students, including the founders of Oxford University and the University of Paris. They translated the Greek works from Arabic to their native languages, French, English, German etc and took the knowledge home.

Some say the dark ages never happened, others say it ended around 1000 AD, others 1400 AD. We don’t need to fret about the conflicting dates and detail as the principal is clear. Europe came out of its dull dark period in conjunction with the return of science, the arts and eduction. For that we can thank the Moors.

So to recap, we have these cycles of various civilisations, their rise, boom and bust, all growing from the works of known historical founders, but with spiritual giants in the background, often in secret, as their wisdom is usually in conflict with the founder’s street level, retail religion. In common they were all communicating in derivatives of the Yamnaya Indo-European language family, with degrees of the horse riding pastoralist’s genetics contributing to their physical features.

But there’s a break in the evolutionary chain, caused by the collapse of the Roman Empire, leaving the church in control. After 900 years in the dumps in comes a rescue from an unlikely direction. Islam, the newest religion, a rival religion with its roots in South West Asia, (called the Middle East by Euro-centrists). Its a dreaded foreigner, as its language is an  Afro-Asian derivative, Arabic. And very little of its DNA is from the steppes of Russia. Heaven forbid.

Christian European history has difficulty in acknowledging this type of link, in the past preferring to diminish the cultural contribution of Black African people. The Moors were Black Africans of Libyan, Moroccan, Nigerian and Senegalese descent.

As for the Moors, we can thank them, but also thank the Greeks for their contribution, as we can India for theirs, as these ancient civilisations each rode their magnificent golden age of growth and knowledge.

As modern man evolved in Africa we can assume there have been many successful Black African empires and kingdoms, among them the mighty Pyramid builders of Egypt. We will see later how racist politics denied the African link and claimed Egyptian achievements for the Middle East.


Which brings us to the final episode in the propagation of the dominant language of the dominant race, which has evolved from the black man of Africa, over 50,000 years, into the white skinned man.

Europe has risen from its darkest age, its religion is booming. It seems to have god on it’s side. It’s experimenting with politics and government based on the old Greek models, and a new way of doing business, based on private shareholder investment is showing promise of things to come. The 3 pillars of society are tightly interwoven and the structure is standing tall.

What the Yamnaya – Indo European speaking pastoralists had began all those years ago, at walking pace, or riding in a bullock drawn cart, or fleet afoot on horseback, will now be completed in a winner takes all rush. Unfortunately the driving impulse isn’t love and compassion, health and well being, prosperity for all, instead its the usual “what’s in it for me”. So not much has changed over the last 5,000 years, except now it’s industrial scale greed to the fore.

But then, if you give it some thought, it’s probably what’s to be expected as we near the end of the cycle.

An introduction to the DCCC.

This is a chapter about society, which Wikipedia describes as “the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community”.

The premise of this chapter is society is a platform supported by 3 pillars, politics, religion and its economy. It’s a precarious structure which needs constant attention to maintain stability as there are forces constantly working against it, trying to gain for a faction instead of seeking benefit for all.

So society is a living moving machine being driven by complex inputs,  operating within an environment designed not to settle at equilibrium, but  pushed and pulled by opposing forces. It’s like an erratic pendulum constantly being thrown off balance, the main driver of which is simply – selfish behaviour, like greed as we lust after possessions and power.

But there are rules, ignorance of which is no excuse, and as politics tampers with the pendulum’s swing it inevitably breaks those rules and accrues debts which need to be repaid, which eventually bankrupts the society and it fails.

Going along as if in sync is religion which does the opposite to what might be expected, starting off at the beginning of an age based on truth, which is then eroded with each reformation, till we arrive at – today.

Today we are living through the declining years of what has been the planet’s dominant force, a mix of races, ethnic groups and multiple cultures, but all related as members of a common language family. What began with migrations of pastoralists from the grasslands of Central Eurasia reached a zenith in 500 BC with the golden age of Greece, and another in India. It went on to spawn dozens of religions, each benefiting from its own golden cycle, with thousands of societies, each representing a set of cultural quirks. It’s been dominated in recent years by the white man and his signature political system – democracy. 

Three thousand years into its timeline Christianity emerged and become its preferred religion. Then 1500 years on the DCCC, the Democratic Christian Capitalist Club was formed when the European nations engaged in a feverish and violent competition to explore the planet to claim its resources for themselves.    

A major player in the DCCC was England, and around her success grew  the Anglo – Saxon Faction, which the USA leads with Australia an aspiring partner. It is this faction which will feature most in this chapter, as its 20th century political and religious machinations have swung all the economic levers over to favour one side, taking the pendulum way beyond its sustainable limit, with the inevitable backlash expected to accelerate the change in world order.

What began as genuine concern for the planet’s economic well being quickly descended into a greed inspired twin conspiracy, funded by big business, which was then sold to the public by big media, their hidden agenda disguised behind populist slogans.

It was good for business all round as taxes were lowered, regulations abolished, labour unions undermined, public assets sold off and borders flung open. Necessary services were withdrawn or rented to the private sector for profit instead of prioritising social justice and welfare. It’s the trickle down theory based on a greed inspired calculation, or is it a misunderstanding of human behaviour, but we now know the sad truth, when left unregulated, self interest and greed will always prevail.

As inequality grows this builds a groundswell of resentment against public institutions, bureaucracy and the political establishment, as the public have been sold a lie. As orderly governance breaks down into chaos the  discontent is lapped up, distorted and amplified by the echo chamber of social media. This empowers an excitable, emotional, shortsighted cohort who can’t see past their own immediate base existence. It’s a fragmented mess where no one can make balanced decisions for the good of the whole.

Maybe the American Founding Fathers were right and some people should not be given a vote. So the Fathers chose a hybrid model with a President who could overrule the mob. Trouble is the mob can elect one of their own to be the President.

So this chapter is about the age of the white man and features Australia, in part because of insights I’ve gained from it being my body’s homeland, and having lived and travelled extensively throughout the region.  Australia is also very significant as it exposes, at least for those sufficiently open minded to see, how easily democracy can be manipulated and hamstrung by powerful non elected forces.

The trouble is most people aren’t at all open minded, instead they are trapped by their mind, caught between their interpretation of memories, personal desires, their needs confused with wants, which gets overblown into greed, their fears for the future played up by the relentless messaging fed them by advertising and whoever has the political media savvy. In Australia the most powerful influencer is the conservative media which controls much of the public discourse, it distorts political balance, and is possibly Australia’s most destructive and disrupting export to the world.


My physical body is that of a white man. I was born into this body in 1946 just after the Second World War and I wonder what role my previous body would have played in that war. How did it die? Maybe the answer to those questions is better off not known, for now, so I haven’t asked or been shown. Or maybe I was my mother’s father, who didn’t go to that war but who died a few months before my current body was born. But I’m not interested either way as what’s going on in this life is exciting enough.

I like to say I’m sitting on the moon watching the world go by, but that doesn’t mean the physical moon as it’s a ball of matter in our space time universe. What it means is, I’m an observer, an outsider looking on, aware of the difference between body, mind and soul. I’m one of the later, a living spark of consciousness trying to maintain my independence and integrity while watching my body and mind performing in a B-grade movie of the shenanigans going on in the binary bubble. So maybe I know how an alien from outer space feels, except I’m from a different dimension, the Oneness.

Which isn’t to be confused with outer space as its just the far away regions of our physical universe, ablaze with billions of galaxies and stars, surrounded by emptiness, devoid of molecules, though it’s solar wind is the movement of protons and electrons at the speed of light.

So it’s not really empty, but even if it was an absolute vacuum it would still exist in the binary world as a nothing, the opposite of something. Something and nothing, the most fundamental properties of the binary bubble, which we can now contrast with that other dimension, the Oneness.

By the way, you’re also a spark of consciousness from that oneness, which you will realise if your awake to it, or, if not yet you might soon be, if you’re got an open mind and allow yourself to ponder the veracity of this story.


Our family is Australian, white skin Anglo Saxon, predominantly ex English, a bit of Irish. But that doesn’t mean I identify as an Australian, though that is my body’s nationality, and I travel on an Australian passport. I consider myself a sort of internationalist, or a non-nationalist, as nationalism stems from the geographical and political divvying up of the planet’s surface into nations, each growing around a dominant ethnic group based on similarities like skin colour, language, religion and the myriad of mind games which drive all man’s affairs.

Unfortunately nationalism leads to conflicts and wars, which is exactly what  should be expected in a mind dominated bubble, where, instead of maintaining a boring balance where all are at peace, feeling secure within themselves and their world, it’s driven by passions and led off on tangents by dominant egos lusting for riches and power. I wonder what would happen if you placed an equal number, maybe try an equal number by weight as they are all different sizes and differently armed, say 100kg of each type of ant in the world into a stadium. I wonder how quickly they would organise themselves into nations.

Australia was colonised by the English, but as history is always written by  the victors the government doesn’t like us using the word invasion, despite the continent of Australia being already inhabited by a race of indigenous people who used a variety of languages, and had organised themselves with appropriate rules and regulations to keep the peace and protect their fragile environment.

The white man instead used the latin term “Terra Nullius” which infers it was a no-man’s land, uninhabited and to this day the white man’s government has no official treaty to reconcile the disruption and confusion brought about by the invasion, displacement, murder and massacre of the Indigenous population whose history goes back over 50000 years. The white man first arrived in Australia about 250 years ago so from the Aboriginal perspective it didn’t take long for the invaders to wreck the place. The Indigenous people were custodians of the land, but the white man seems obsessed with his personal ownership and control over things, with little respect for what really matters in the long term.

Where did the black man actually evolve? While it’s generally agreed the migration of man out of Africa began about 50,000 years ago, there’s new DNA based evidence that 25,000 years earlier, when sea levels were much lower, there was a migration around the shores from Northern Africa to Australia. These people were isolated and populated the continent till around 4000 years ago, when there was a migration from southern India, which nearly coincides with northern India being invaded by the horse riding pastoralists from the steppes of Eurasia.

I’ve sat in a transit lounge in Bombay and watched some maintenance guys changing light bulbs. They were up there on a ladder in front of me chattering away in a language which sounded just like I’ve heard back in Australia. One of those guys looked so aboriginal I even thought how come there are Australian aborigines working in an Indian airport, some worker exchange program, fixing the light bulbs? My next “thought” was hang on, could they actually be shining a light on a pre white man historical truth about the movement of people?

I had a similar light bulb moment on another journey through India when I saw a connection between Gypsies, correctly referred to as Romani people, or Roma, and Alexander the Great’s trans Asia invading army.

Romani people come from the mountainous Kashmir region of northern India. They speak a language derived closely from Sanskrit, the language central to this story, which was spread to India by the migrating pastoralists.

So Roma people could be related, through those pastoralists back to the Yamnaya, or to the indigenous northern Indians who adopted Sanskrit, or more likely both. They are a free spirited people, now around 10 million in number scattered around the world, with 1 million in Eastern Europe, mainly Romania.

Their are many famous celebrities of Roma origin, Michael Caine, Charlie Chaplin, Yul Brenner, Elvis Presley, Bob Hoskins, Pablo Picasso, Rita Hayworth, world renowned actors and artists. Then there’s the colloquial idea of Gypsies, also in the entertainment industry, the minstrels, tarot card readers, circus performers, and small business opportunists we see today.

It became obvious to me, being someone who quickly jumps to conclusions, until proven otherwise, that with an army of 70,000 soldiers there’s the huge caravan of support staff of 40,000 rolling along in the rear.

Roma must have joined in that train, those Gypsies must be the descendants of the circus of minstrels, entertainers, prostitutes, tarot card readers, and the general service providers, the launderers, the cooks, baggage handlers etc who accompanied Alexander the Great’s caravan as it marched and rolled back and forth across Asia.

From the Sanskrit speaking lands to the east, to the cradle of western democracy in Greece. Then here they are today, Romani, scattered across Europe, the world, actors, artists, musicians, minstrels, tarot card readers, free spirited scallywags, could that be who they really are?

Shows how misguided Hitler was, when possibly the closest descendants of the real Aryan race, not the mythical one the nazis had created, were the very people he was targeting for extermination. I wonder if Hitler had a sense of humour. What or who did Hitler see when he looked at himself in a mirror.?


In those days my lessons needed to be hammered home, like the aboriginal guy up a ladder in front of me. But of course he wasn’t aboriginal at all, he was southern Indian Tamil fixing the lights so we all could see more clearly. That’s an example of how the Oneness talks to people in symbols, so it’s about impressions you feel at the time and is always evolving. What seems to be a revelation today might be tweaked and presented a different way tomorrow.

This might go on till you have to give up being dogmatic about anything, the lesson being it pays to keep an open mind, and don’t get too cocky or you will soon turn yourself into an unfunny clown. It’s about learning how to discriminate when you have a mind trying to entice you into its mischief. I’ve seen lots of that. Still do but now I delight in telling that little self to get back in its box and shut up, I’m onto its shenanigans.

But that’s the genius of this thing, something for everyone, understood by each according to their own, a demonstration of what it can do if you believe in it and ask it a question. Those who dismiss that as nonsense are closing that door and don’t get to see its magic, its power, its absolute genius, in fact it’s the source of genius, and it’s all done with that fabulous sense of humour.

As in the end, if we are really from another dimension, then all this going on down here in time is remarkably like a theatrical performance where our bodies are the actors playing out some very comical scenes, as painful as they sometimes seem to be. Just imagine if we could really get outside our bodies we would be free of that pain, if it’s physical, as that’s felt by our nerves and senses. While if it’s emotional pain we would be free of that too, as it’s felt by our mind which would be left behind attached to our body.

People with experiences like that can be classified as Gnostics as they know something. They know IT exists because they live it. Someone who doesn’t know is called agnostic. That’s using the Greek definition and not to be confused with any more recent religion calling itself Gnostic. Agnostic is different from atheist which is a no, whereas agnostic is a maybe, a much safer position. It pays to leave that door open.

So a good question to ask it is, is this story true? But what if you interpret the answer is no? Then you could ask where did that answer come from. You need patience, weeks, months could go by, but if there is nothing there, no further answer forthcoming then it may have come and you missed it.  Or maybe it came from your mind, but I wouldn’t take for granted anything it’s got to say, so I’d ask again then wait till mind’s busy elsewhere or gone to sleep, so I can get a second opinion – from out of the true ether.

For me personally though the big question is am I allowed to tell you this story, which so far has been a yes, otherwise why was I given it if it’s not to be told? By the time we get to the end I should know the answer, how will it be received, how many past friends look at me sideways as a looney.

That’s got to be weighed against the suggestion that as people age they don’t change much, they just become older versions of themselves, in a process of physical and mental aging.

That’s different from a complete change in personality, which is what happened to me. So the suggestion here is that people only really change and grow when it, spirit, intervenes in their life which triggers the process where you quickly evolve beyond your mental constraints into a different person. So it should not be surprising if old friendships, even family connections fade away.

But the real question is can this story be published with its paper trail of incidents, some call then coincidences, except their odds of billions to one suggest, even demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt the reality of magic. I presume it’s ok to proceed and those who it’s not for won’t read it. Some will understandably see me as a looney. Other’s eyes will glaze over as they drift off to sleep. Or they will be distracted and drawn off to somewhere more comfortable. Most will be to busy.

And that’s how it should be, it’s why secret societies are secret, their codes are keys to open magic doors, but in transitional times like these maybe those doors are to be more easily opened. So when we get near the end, if I’m allowed, that’s if there are the words, then it may require a thirteenth chapter, one more than minds preferred duodecimal circle of 12. But of course as infinity says, there is always one more.


Gnosticism is not a particular religion but an umbrella term for several with similar ideas. So there are a range of Gnostic beliefs which reflect their levels of awareness. Some incorporate aspects of Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism or Buddhism. We might think Gnostic religions cherry-picked or plagiarised these ideas from their predecessors, but truth is not the province of any one religion, its source is actually not in time so has always been there, while religions are born along a timeline.

Each new religion needs its points of difference so have to tweak the original story, they add and subtract bits to create their own version of truth, so they are better described as a relative truth. So if you look closely, strip away all its dogma, its superfluous baggage added by the religions’ architects and administrators, often with political motivations, you could see it’s the oldest religions with the most common threads which lead back to a simple, fundamental ultimate reality.

Which means its not the evolution of religion, it’s a degeneration. It starts at the beginning of an age with the simple truth of knowing, and it finishes up at the other end where there is no knowing, only thinking, no need for a God, as we can now explain everything through science and binary logic. Aren’t we clever? Well, not really. It’s the grand ego trip of mind, as what we have actually achieved is moving from soul’s perspective of knowing, with access to everything, to mind’s perspective of thinking we know everything, with access to nothing. Let’s call that the paradox of religion, where atheism is the religion of science replacing God.

My experience has given me a special sense of relationship with living things as each, by that word “living”, owe their existence to being an individual spark of that energy generated in the oneness called spirit.  We are all a spark of it. So that needs to be acknowledged and each living form should be treated with a knowing that it’s life is sacred. A bull-ant mound full of ferocious angry armed ants is a community. It calls for caution too, so deserves an extra level of respect. In a human community there are bull-ant-like individuals through to snakes, kangaroos, koalas, and king parrots, angelic like people. 

There are lucky and unlucky people, well endowed physically, monetarily, and those with nothing. They come in all shapes and sizes, levels of ability, colours, intelligence. And there are outsiders, other races, foreigners. Some we invaded, enslaved. But the society has to work out how to accommodate them all. They aren’t there by accident. It’s not that they shouldn’t be there, they are there because the society has earned the right to have them, and will be measured by its reaction to them, and that’s its challenge.

If we look back through history at the barbaric behaviour of empires, their has never been long periods of peace. It seems an imperative to invade and engulf your neighbour state before it invaded you. They all summarily executed their opponents, all traded in slaves. White skinned blue eyed blond girls were the coveted trophies at eastern markets, just switch the racial colours and cultures for the western slave trade. They all did much the same, they all broke the rules, they all collapsed, all are reduced to a chapter in man’s history, and rubble.

Today we have a global perspective, with international air travel every corner is within reach. There are laws and a global world order, put in place by the white man, with an expectation others will honour. So there’s moral outrage when there’s a repeat of the old barbaric ways we thought were behind us.

But not so fast, the white man’s final chapter is yet to be written, his buildings are still to be reduced to rubble. Or is he immune from the ramifications of his own past behaviour, when for some reason it caught up with everyone else?. 

Is it irony, or coincidence, or just random egotistical lunacy, what timing for Putin risking all to reduce the cities of neighbouring Ukraine to rubble. Is this the beginning of the end of the story, starting from where it began, with the waves of migrations of Yamnaya man.


It was an awakening to return to Australia in 1992, aged 46, after years based in Asia, travelling the world and then rounding off with nearly 4 years in a Bangladesh jail.  I had changed, or Australia had, though how could I compare the world view of my new self with the pre Asia days as an alcoholic hedonist with little interest in others. But on return it was a surprise to see how Australia worked, or half worked, or in many ways it failed completely. There seemed to be no plan, just plugging up holes to stop the ship from sinking.

I was aware that we were living through the decline of western nations and the rise of the east, but wasn’t expecting how blatant and obvious were the signs of a morally bankrupt government orchestrating its, and the nation’s demise, dealing the society one bad hand after another.

They didn’t seem to have a grasp of what the future was likely to bring, any sense of vision, they looked misguided and so short sighted. I’d come from Asia, where governments made long term strategic plans. I’m not a passionate and proud Australian nationalist so it wasn’t a time for distress, but you have to feel for those ringing the alarm bells and battling for social justice, as they are fighting what looks like an un-winnable war.

These were some things that grabbed my attention:

  • How control of Australia’s political system was handed to a media mogul in quid quo pro deals, or out of fear. How this would go on to destabilise the whole Anglo-Saxon and broader democratic world. Media moguls are billionaires, they aren’t interested in the welfare of little people. They are self serving, threatening, and blackmail governments into giving them what they want, which is increased business advantage.
  • This corruption facilitated what looked like lunacy in neoliberalism, the whittling away of social welfare and workers rights on a global scale, shifting power away from labour, over to management and money, which leads to ever growing inequality which can only end in unrest.
  • Neo- Liberalism comes from Neo – New, and Liberalism – legislated civil liberties and economic freedom – which sounds fine, but I naively thought western governments were there to support their most vulnerable citizens. So surely capitalist business needed stringent regulation as you can’t allow greed to have free reign.
  • Years later it would be revealed that this global rush to neoliberal economics was actually born from an extraordinary scam by ultra-rich U.S. financiers and industrialists, it’s goal to shift a greater share of wealth to themselves. But you probably don’t know about that because it’s been carefully hidden. We will come back to scam number one later in this chapter.
  • In Australia Neo-Liberalism was first adopted by the usually left-leaning Labor Party as reform. It was the latest trend, globalisation, more opportunity for all. The pendulum had been dragged over to the Left, the side of labour, and was due for a correction, but the cause was eagerly adopted by the conservative Right as their agenda, so both sides deregulated the economy and sold off publicly owned assets. But when Labor lost, under successive neoconservative governments “reform” came hard and fast, at the expense of welfare for people and the planet.
  • Neoliberalism is also the convenient lazy way for governments to relinquish responsibility for social welfare by handing or renting it to the private sector, and of course there are great perks in return for politicians to take up lucrative consulting jobs when their “service in public life” is over.
  • The rise of charismatic Christianity with its shift from the traditional role of religion over to a “prosperity doctrine” I saw as confusing, why would religion be on the side of big business capitalism, what was that about? Its support of neoliberalism was extraordinary, until scam number 2 was revealed with big U.S. business funding and orchestrating what is best described as a conspiracy. You probably don’t know about that scam either.

It seems society has an inability to look back to the beginning, to identify the source. It’s a common thread, we go back a few years to some of the symptoms but don’t dig deep enough to the actual cause. It’s a malaise, in a way related to its opposite where we can’t look ahead to create a vision, a magnet to which we are drawn. A rudderless ship, unaware we are being driven to our destination by our past misguided and unscrupulous deeds.

  • In Australia the demonisation of refugee boat people for political advantage was a later development. It is only possible to turn nice people into refugee-haters by hard-nosed populist politicians being supported by biased and corrupt media brain-washing the population with their bigoted version of the story. I saw this as a serious mistake and an ominous sign for the future as you don’t play with people’s lives like that without consequence, and those who have to pay the price will not even know the cause.
  • Just as Nelson put the telescope to his blind eye, Australia followed the USA into Vietnam based on phoney intelligence. Then came incursions or invasions into the Middle East and Afghanistan, all based on dubious Christian neoconservative free-market capitalism and an interventionist foreign policy, again driven by money and media with little regard for the welfare of the world’s little people. The immediate backlash was the escalation of terrorism, but the good Christian aggressors don’t seem to have the mechanism to link the effect they are living through to their actions as the cause.
  • The most damning exhibit and proof that the Australian democratic system was broken was the denial of a climate crisis and eventual demolition of Australia’s climate change policy, damaging the global movement for action on climate change, purely to create a difference between political parties. Well not only for political gain as Australia exports to the world huge volumes of coal and gas, so it’s good for big business so of course it’s promoted by conservative politicians and backed by the conservative media.

That was the situation in Australia from the mid 1980’s and it degenerated from there, but you can scale that up several fold in the USA where Murdoch’s Fox News became the obviously biased propaganda arm of the Republican Party.

Unfortunately that’s only half the story as the media isn’t only driven by conservative ideology. Its the power it holds over successive governments, regardless of Left/Right persuasion, to deliver the media owner more influence and power.

The real question, which usually goes unanswered as it’s rarely asked out of fear, is what does Murdoch media get in return for their support. Obvious are the corporate tax cuts and general  assurance that the neo – liberal policies that favour Wall Street and corporations will continue. But more subtle is the centre of the pendulum’s swing is moved stealthily over to the right.

None of this was in the long term interests of Australia, the USA, the Western alliance, or the Free World as they call themselves. It was engineered by those with the resources to fund it, and motivated purely by greed. You only need to go to the source and see who funds think tanks and political research and note how the ensuing theories and policy recommendations are designed to achieve the benefactors’ original goals.

Wake up little guy, you’ve been conned. Oh so sorry, you can’t see that as you’ve also been brainwashed by spin driven politicians and a biased media.


I thought whoever wrote this script was a far-sighted genius, it’s perfect for the changeover of power from the West to the East. Globalisation had outsourced manufacturing to the East, plus dismantled or minimised the social welfare safety net and, in so doing, reneged on its social-responsibility compact, throwing away moral advantage the West may have had over the authoritarian states the West abhor.

We should ask the question: is this script the logical outcome of the self serving decisions made by the leaders of the west in its long historical past, meaning how far back does karmic responsibly go? Or is there also an element of destiny, the turning of the wheel, the cycle of ages which drives, through the application of karmic law, the rise and fall of empires, then rise of another?

If the West keeps going back to the same old neoliberal mean –  spirited script of lower taxes and outsourcing social welfare responsibilities to business then it’s certainly over the cliff it will go. Or is a change in direction possible, maybe a new as yet undefined economic model, a compromise including the best elements of the welfare states? Can the West even arrest its decline, let alone reverse it?. That’s the question out there in the ether awaiting an answer, which we will see as events unfold.

A revival is always possible, an upward blip on the graph, recording a temporary reprieve, but at the moment a reversal of fortune looks doubtful. Decline is what happens to empires, and we can call this age the grand empire of the white man, so let’s quickly go over its rise so we can understand and prepare ourselves for what looks like its probable fall.

If you wonder what all this has got to do with little sailboats then wonder, as I did, as wonder means “a feeling of amazement and admiration caused by something beautiful, remarkable or unfamiliar”. Wondering is also the best way, maybe the only way to arrive at the truly truthful answer.

A very brief history of the D triple C. The Democratic Christian Capitalist Club.

The last 3000 years on Earth has seen the rise and fall of European kingdoms and cultures, culminating eventually in global domination by the DCCC consortium of nations, which began as squabbling European kingdoms exploring the globe, trading and plundering produce, products and treasures while exporting their own brands of the Christian religion. The Club’s dominant skin colour is white, while its recent principal language is English. However, it has diverse associate membership, including all the other religions and shades of human colour on the planet who were either captured, enslaved, coerced or voluntarily joined this predominantly European white man’s adventure. It had pay-offs as there was money to be made by joining the club.

This global trade brought prosperity and an awakening at home which led to the overthrow of tyrannical or debauched kingdoms and the birth of democracy. Democracy brought a degree of stability, but there can never actually be stability down here in the binary bubble as there will always be factions and self-interest, and those with the most power will cause distortions leading eventually to calamity.

The United States rose to be the powerhouse of the DCCC, but its over-zealous pursuit and export of absolute individual freedom led to the “greed is good” culture and the inevitable outcome of extreme inequality.

You can justify this by applying Darwin’s law of survival of the fittest: the fittest to survive are those most adept at manipulating markets in a lopsided world where the only currency is money.  But, in perfect harmony with the law of retribution, this ended the USA reign and diminished the DCCC’s standing. Meanwhile China, the powerhouse nation of East Asia which the DCCC had exploited for centuries, awoke and unified under the communist revolution with its predominantly state-owned and controlled economy and a-theistic attitude, a religion in itself. China emerged as the counter force to the DCCC’s trinity of Democratic Christian Capitalism.


A nation is home to a society, which is all its people living together in a more or less ordered community. The society is like a structure standing on 3 legs, which are its government, its religious traditions, and its economic model. The legal system could be a 4th leg, but it’s lumped in with government as that’s who appoints, funds and runs it, but it ideally operates independently of government while administering the governments legislated laws.

The economic model and government can also be tightly intertwined, as in a communist state, but we are particularly interested here in the DCCC, or D triple C, and its Anglo-Saxon faction, of which Australia is a member along with Great Britain and the USA. The USA was the Club’s undisputed leader until Donald Trump briefly turned the US inward and embarrassed itself through Trump’s sociopathic and aggressive response to crises.

On planet Earth there are 4 broad models of government. Starting with the more authoritarian with central control is dictatorship, then communism, socialism, then democracy. Democracy has several models of its own, again starting with the most government involvement.

  • Nordic social democracy, or some say democratic socialism, which includes the Scandinavian countries and Iceland, it combines free market capitalism with socialist principles, with high taxes funding substantial social justice programs, free education and welfare support for its population.
  • European liberal and neoliberal democracies, all with their individualised emphasis on smaller government, lower taxes and less social welfare than the Nordic states, and free market capitalism.
  • Independent hybrid capitalist democracies with even lower taxes, moderate social welfare, active government involvement in business with tight regulation of the media, but enthusiastic advocates of free market capitalism. Only government and security services own firearms. Singapore stands out here. Japan, South Korea are variations.
  • Anglo-Saxon neo-liberal small government, forever seeking more deregulation of business, lower taxes, less social welfare intervention, a free and unencumbered media, aggressive promotion of free markets and globalisation. In the USA individuals cherish their right to own firearms. In the extreme are the USA, Great Britain and Australia where the conservative media involves itself in politics and invariably controls an election outcome.

The progression here to ever lower taxes inevitably leads to reduced services which the population still demand, so the government has to borrow more and more which leads to extreme debt to GDP ratio. Australia delayed this condition as it had enormous reserves of coal, gas and iron ore to export.

The term neo-liberal is tangled up in libertarianism as it has evolved in the USA, where it advocates near absolute individual freedom, civil liberty, free market capitalism. This gives USA citizens the right to behave in ways seen as anti- social in countries where individual freedom is contingent on not infringing on the rights of the society. In democratic capitalist nations in Asia you do not have the right to own guns or promote anti-social behaviour or incite racial discord, but you can in the USA.

It gets confusing though, as the US Democrats are the left progressive liberals, whereas neoliberals are conservative, to the right, Ronald Reagan, a Republican, comes to mind, and the conservative Margaret Thatcher. You’d think the neoliberal movement would be called neo-conservative, but neocons are about a more aggressive foreign policy than the economics of neo-liberalism.

So, to understand the term neoliberal we need to go back to when it was coined, at a conference in 1938 in Paris, as an economic theory advanced by the Austrian School of Economics, opposed to socialism and social welfare, inspired by fear of the unstoppable communist Russia. And that’s  who neoliberals still are today,  promoting smaller government, less regulation, and free markets. The DCCC invaders of Iraq were neoliberal plus neoconservatives.

But it gets really bizarre in Australia where it is the progressive left Labor Party who first introduced neoliberal economics, while the conservative right who picked it up and drove it to near US fundamentalist levels are the mis-named Australian Liberal Party. Well, at the very least they should rebrand themselves the Neoliberal Party, as that is what they have morphed into. True to form Australia also followed the US into all its neoconservative wars.


So Democracy generally is a system of government where power is supposedly vested in the people either directly, like in Switzerland, or indirectly through elected representatives called politicians. Politicians who share like-minded ideologies organise themselves in political parties. Generally there are 2 dominant opposing sides, though there will be special interest parties claiming lesser portions of the pie. The dominant parties take it in turns to form government, but often need to form coalitions with the special interest parties.

It’s a binary system where the dominant parties generally are opposites in ideology, and are said to be either the Left or the Right. The Left are more  Progressive, the Right are Conservative.

That translates to the Progressive Left are for progress, the Conservative Right are against that progress. Which gives us “for and against”. 

Progressive abbreviates to Pro, and Conservative to Con, so here we have the “Pros and Cons” which again is “for or against”. So one party, the conservative, resist change and like things the way they are, even if it’s from the past and unjust.

It’s the resisting of change, and reversing the progressive left’s legislation, the bigger role of government which brings in the libertarian and individual freedom posture of conservatives, which grew into the Neoliberal movement which dominated and plagued the DCCC in the post Cold War period.

Unfortunately this binary system sets up these opposing political parties to represent their supporters in parliament, which automatically builds in the seeds for polarisation, as the dominant party calls the shots, legislates in their favour which then disadvantages those in minority.

The system therefore doesn’t default to decisions in the interest of the whole of society, ie in the national interest. It’s a system which discourages despots and dictators, but is susceptible to manipulation by power and money, and long-term strategic planning suffers as politicians are focused more on the short-term electoral cycles.

Australia has inherited its model of democracy from England. It is called the Westminster system, named after the Palace of Westminster, which is the seat of the British parliament.


Christianity is the DCCC’s dominant religion, and was inspired by the life and experience of Jesus Christ, but took on much of its current form when it was officially recognised by the Roman Empire in the 3rd century after the death of Jesus.  Representatives from the various branches of the church were invited to Rome for an inaugural conference convened by Emperor Constantine. The books by Jesus’s disciples Mathew, Mark, Luke, John and others were included, but Gnostic texts by Thomas and others were rejected for various reasons, but it’s suggested they described direct communication with God, which more or less by-passed the priest, not a good foundation for a new religion which, from the emperor’s point of view, was to be about organising and controlling the people, not giving them freedom.

There are many definitions of Gnosticism representing its many interpretations, most of which are considered heretical by the Roman Church.  So I’ve gone with this independent Wikipedia meaning. “Gnosticism is a collection of religious ideas and systems that coalesced in the late 1st century AD among Jewish and early Christian sects. These various groups emphasised personal spiritual knowledge above the orthodox teachings, traditions and authority of religious institutions”.

So excluding Gnosticism was an obvious political direction for Constantine to take. The Emperor and his staff who wrote the terms of reference would have been of limited spiritual awareness and not understood the true meaning of Gnostic, to know through lived experience. You can’t really know how a Gnostic feels unless you’re had a direct experience yourself. Taking that a step further, you need a degree of spiritual awareness to relate to Oneness.

The 325AD conference was well along the timeline of the Roman Empire so it was in serious decay anyway. Nailing Jesus to a cross in a public crucifixion in the first place, 325 years earlier, must have required some clever spin or even a very difficult apology to those assembled delegates. So I lean towards Constantine being a wily politician and really, you wouldn’t expect him to be a particularly enlightened leader, as enlightened leaders reign in the golden age of an empire, not in its terminal phase. The Roman half of the empire collapsed about 150 years after that inaugural conference. The 2 halves morphed into the Western Church – the Catholic Church based at the Vatican, and the Eastern Church – the Orthodox Churches with 15 independent branches, including some closely aligned to Gnostic beliefs.

But having said that about Constantine’s motives and character, we will see later in this story that Saint Paul, in about 20 AD (ME), had edited some of those texts the conference later reviewed, and the blame for the murder of Jesus was shifted to Jews, letting Rome off the hook. This revelation about Saint Paul has huge implications for the Christian religion as it suggests its foundation is based on a misinterpretation of Jesus’s words, that Saint Paul actually laid the foundation principles of the religion, and not Jesus.

This  might have been a clever political ploy by Paul, who needed to cozy up to the Romans, but it had very serious ramifications for Jewish people just shy of 2000 years later as it looks like Adolf Hitler, the German republic’s megalomaniac Chancellor, used Saint Paul’s version as inspiration and justification for the Nazi Holocaust’s genocide program.

That may seems an outrageous suggestion, but the investigations which uncovered these revelations, when you join the dots, looks very credible, so  it is mentioned here. We need to be aware of both the winner’s and loser’s versions of history if we are to step back and get the white man’s chapter into perspective.


As modern Australia began as a colony of England, so it was democratic and Christian, and like much of the world, fits under the capitalism economic banner. Capitalism began in Europe in the 15/16th century with the breakdown of feudalism, which was partly caused by global exploration and the ensuing movement of goods. Capitalism is a system where property and goods for trade are owned by private individuals and business rather than government, and are traded in free markets. It’s a very unstable system when poorly regulated, so inevitably it collapsed leading to the 1930’s Great Depression. The response to the depression was Keynesian economic theory which proposed massive economic stimulus, welfare support and huge government-funded infrastructure projects, which were needed at the time.

This also suited managing a nation through WW2, but the DCCC economies ran into trouble as everything in the bubble will eventually do. Good planing some will call it, others will say unscrupulous cunning by business interests, had them ready and waiting with their revolutionary new economic model, neoliberalism, where their privately owned industry and global free trade could save the day.

Economists like Hayek and Friedman perfected and legitimised the industrialist’s script and it was picked up by politicians on both left and right sides who could see the benefits of selling off publicly-owned assets and reducing the need for government to fund social welfare programs. This allowed them to pursue a monetary surplus, which was seen as the future, according the neoliberal economic theory. Welcome to the world of neoliberalism, small government, lower taxes and globalisation, which goes on to be the adopted economic policy throughout the capitalist world.

As mentioned above, the term neoliberalism was coined at a meeting in Paris in 1938 and was then refined into an ideology by 2 of the meeting’s delegates, Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek. Hayek wrote the book “The Road to Serfdom” and Mises authored “Bureaucracy”. Their work was recognised by  a group of wealthy Americans who saw the opportunity to minimise regulation and tax, so they funded think tanks and research institutes to perfect and promote this new ideology, which a few years later they had laid out and ready to roll, awaiting the inevitable downturn they knew Keynesian policy would eventually deliver.

Milton Friedman enters in the 70’s, but whereas Hayek and others advocated for government regulation to prevent monopolies, Friedman, the American neoliberal apostle, won the day with the argument that monopoly is good as it’s a reward for efficiency. And so neoliberalism became the panacea to solve everything and both left and right sides of politics piled onboard, but it was naive to expect millionaires to have the interests of the little people at heart. They didn’t of course, so it played out to be an extraordinarily successful scam.

Again we see that it’s the boys with money who use their resources to fund the research to win the arguments, to fund the advertising, backed by the media moguls who brainwash the little guys and manipulate the political process. Come on you nice normal honest everyday people, you are all being conned. It’s obvious that the trickle down theory is a scam, so why is it still in play?


What’s clear today is we are living through an enormously significant period as all around us are the signs of the West’s decline and unstoppable rise of the East, meaning Asia. The East is hardly a unified brand as globalisation has been very successful and most Asian states are capitalist variants, and are not anti religion like China. Nor are they all ethnically of “yellow man” origin as India is very diverse and the home of major religions which pre date Christianity. India also shares a fractious border with China, and itself is an Asian sleeping giant, though being an ex British colony it has a similar semi dysfunctional democracy so isn’t going to match China’s centrally-controlled decision-making machine and its growing global influence.

This transfer of power and influence is unstoppable because every person, every collective of people, every nation, create for themselves their future. We are all responsible for our own actions, and the West is no exception, regardless of what the DCCC’s principle religion might infer about Jesus taking responsibility for one’s sins. What we see in the West today, particularly in the USA, are ever more desperate moves as it tries to arrest the trend. Some will believe that’s possible. For some it’s a sign of Jesus’s imminent return, their salvation, as he brings heaven to earth.  Even if you are a believer it’s hard to see how this might work as the unpaid debts that Christians think their leader, Jesus, died for, will have to be resolved. So it’s more likely that history is going to show that the DCCC members had blood on their hands and in a spot of bother.

Initiatives like Trump’s “Make America Great Again” campaign can’t work as a nation reaches greatness when united, not when divided. Besides the West has had its go, over reached as governments and empires will inevitably do, and then it’s time for change. So what turn of events are we going to see which usher in that change?

This has nothing to do with pre-determinism. We all have free will and our behaviour creates our future, individual, communal, national, racial, and global. It’s just the equation of positive and negative inputs playing themselves out. Imagine the mother of all computers, but in etheric form, let’s call it the master mind etheric computer. Imagine this ultra super-computer linking wirelessly with every individual’s mental transmissions, simply recording positive and negative inputs. When it gets too lopsided one way it will force a correction, called karma, which most will call an “accident”. An accident however is thought to be a random event, when it is really a deliberate karmic balancing act.

So here we have  the human consciousness misreading the workings of cause and effect. From a higher perspective there is no such thing as an accident. If mankind thinks he’s pretty smart for inventing the computer, I suggest he look deep into the cosmos, into the ether, where he might find the original prototypes.

If you think that’s all too way out that’s perfectly understandable and normal for someone operating within the human consciousness band. It’s when your perspective expands into higher states more in harmony with spirit, and experience its genius, then you can see past the limitations of the human mind.


What an extraordinary event was Covid 19, while China managed its pandemic thanks to its command economy and authoritarian control, the capitalist economies were forced to do the unthinkable, to shut themselves off, stop all global trade and travel, lockdown the population and inject billions of dollars to keep their economies on life support. The pandemic showed how finely balanced and vulnerable is the West with its global “just in time” supply chain business model.

Conservative capitalist neoliberal governments had to reverse direction and, against all their ideological instincts, turn themselves into big government interventionist Keynesian socialists. But with the caveat of a time limit, it would all be reversed when the crisis was over, and it would be back to stimulating the economy with neoliberal ideological policies of more tax cuts and industrial relations reform, the very policies which created the inequality in the first place.

Well that was the plan, but the damage was done, the shortcomings and failures of the extreme neoliberal capitalist West were obvious and China was dealt another lucky hand in the game of geopolitical poker. It looks like the DCCC’s excesses of the past are slowly catching up with him and, in accordance with his accounting principles, the debts will have to be repaid.

So could it be that events like pandemics are just mega balancing acts, could we look back into the murky past and uncover its source, could it be a karmic cause and effect contributor to the already determined changing world order?

It brings to mind all those thousands of wars involving members of the DCCC and the millions killed in the name of religion. I like the chapter where poppies are grown in Burma to produce opium to addict the Chinese so the gentry in London can sip tea and sleep between silk sheets, it’s a classic.

That particular chapter is superbly told by Willian Dalrymple in his book; “The Anarchy – “The East India Company and corporate excess”. Founded in 1600, the EIC was one of the first public shareholder-owned corporations and on its first voyage, on its way to Indonesia to beg, borrow or steal spices, came across a returning Portuguese trader loaded with booty. So being crewed by “privateers”, or ex pirates, they despatched the Portuguese and transferred the goods to their own ship and headed home to London where it sold for £1 million. And so began the extraordinary journey which saw this private business build a 200,000 strong army and rape and pillage India for the benefit of its English shareholders, including the Crown and set the gold standard for Wall Street to follow in the centuries ahead.

Wikipedia records however The United East Company was the first Multi National, or chartered company established on the 20th March 1602 by the States General of the Netherlands amalgamating existing companies into the first joint-stock company in the world, framing a 21 year monopoly to carry out trade activities in Asia.

The Dutch and the English were obviously in fierce competition to plunder the East, establishing shareholder funded multi national trading outfits 2 years apart.

It’s all playing out now, the repercussions of the slave trade will have to match the incredible pain and suffering experienced by whole nations of black people who were captured, imprisoned, branded and shipped like cattle, in chains, so worse than cattle. Men, women and children, those who survived the treacherous voyage being sold as slaves to build the DCCC colonial empires. There are numerous stories coming to light after being deliberately buried for hundreds of years, so I’ll précis some and spread them through this chapter.

Bristol and Edward Colston

As the Black Lives Matter movement took hold in 2020, the bronze statue of Edward Colston, the 17th century slave trader was toppled, rolled down the street in Bristol by the demonstrators and consigned to the Avon River where Colston’s ships once moored. Colston was an influential member of the Royal African Company which had a legal, regal monopoly over the West African slave trade and branded the initials RAC on the chests of 100,000 men, women and children and shipped them to the Americas and Caribbean, though some 19,000 were tossed overboard after dying in the squalor and filth in the dungeons below.

Colston was a significant philanthropist and contributor to Bristol, with a private school, streets and buildings named in his honour. The plaque on the Colston statue read; “Erected by citizens of Bristol as a memorial of one of the most virtuous and wise sons of their city”. Whereas only 13% of citizens polled approved of the way the statue was toppled, 40% thought it should be salvaged and displayed with a more historically accurate plaque in the city’s museum, while 33% disapproved of the statue’s removal from the city square in the first place, under any circumstances.

Bristol has a significant “other than white” population which reflects the Britannia Rules the Waves colonial success which established English dominance of the DCCC, which in turn leads to multi racial cities like Bristol being what they are today. If we look into the history of every DCCC city we will find similar dark chapters behind the scenes, the uncomfortable truth, but not so uncomfortable for those who can turn a blind eye, or reconcile the economic benefits of slavery.

So again we see the left right divide, with Marvin Rees, the Elected Mayor of Bristol, the first mayor of black African heritage of any major European city, who wants the statue moved to the museum, while Bristol conservative city councillor Richard Eddy who describes Colston as a “great Bristolian” and who opposes any renaming of places and statues said, “My family have lived in this city for over 500 years and I have never been so ashamed of the inhabitants of this city as now”.

So while passions run deep and opinions differ, the truth of the past, the incredible pain inflicted by slavery in pursuit of profit, these facts, these monuments to greed, and the karmic legacy remain.

Cotton Country – The Guardian’s expose of British dominance of the trans Atlantic slave trade.

From 1600 for 300 years British owned and operated ships trafficked 3,400,000 African men woman and children across the Atlantic to the Americas. Its estimated 1 in 5, that’s 680,000, died and were tossed over the side. 3.4m is around half the combined DCCC slave trade total.

The British royal family, from Elizabeth 1 (1558-1603) to William 1V (1830-1837) gave royal patronage in exchange for a share in the profit, or towards the end of the trade supported, or failed to condemn suppression, public executions and massacres of protesting slaves and their supporters.

Two major industrial cities, Liverpool and Bristol were well documented as being built on the slave trade, but Manchester, the first regional industrial city in England flew under the radar. Until the Guardian, the worlds leading liberal news website, discovered Manchester’s leading role, and that the Guardian’s founding fathers owed their wealth to the trade.

Capturing and transporting 3.4m people and allowing .68m of them to die is either 2nd or 3rd degree murder, or a good barrister may argue the royal family are only guilty of manslaughter or criminally negligent homicide of .68m of the 3.4m their business partners enslaved.

That probably sounds a bit harsh to Christian’s ears, particularly as the faith doesn’t understand the principles of reincarnation.  But if the religions of those who were enslaved, or were otherwise impacted by British colonialism are considered, then the karmic ramifications for the British royal family, the slave traders themselves and other beneficiaries, down to the Anglo Saxon general population may wonder how this is going to play out in their future.

Google Cotton Capital the Guardian for the full, rather embarrassing expose.

English abolition and compensation for slavery.

Slavery however was based on the notion of racial hierarchy which was exported across the British empire via legal, administrative, economic and administrative structures and little or no restitution has ever been made for this racial oppression. An extraordinary example of this inequity is brought to light by Georgina Arnott, a post graduate researcher at the University of Melbourne, in an article in the The Age newspaper titled “Australia’s deep connection with enslavement”.

It gives us a glimpse into the mind and concerns of the English government when it abolished slavery back in 1833, and paid out £20 million in restitution, which represented about 40% of the treasury’s annual income. That in today’s pounds is around £300 billion, which was the treasury’s biggest ever transfer of public wealth to the private sector, only eclipsed by the stimulus of the 2008 GFC. But before you lapse into praise for this good work by Westminster, take a deep breath, as not one penny went to those who suffered from the 400 years England profited from the slave trade, it went to the slave owners as compensation for giving up their “property”.

The recipients were the middle and upper class from across the empire, including wealthy land owners with hundreds of slaves, state governors, judges, financiers, small to medium business, ordinary families, to widows with one slave. Incredibly, the slaves themselves received nothing.

This stimulus was so huge it saw private money pumped into the economies of all the British colonies, boosting expenditure on major projects like buildings, roads and railways, which saw Australia receive a significant boost of British foreign investment in the mid 19th century. So we can take from that an insight into how Democratic governments have long been followers of that strange economic theory that prefers to use public funds to stimulate the top rather than the bottom of the economy. Good to know that Hayek, Mises or Milton Friedman weren’t first with the  trickle down theory.


But all that’s the past isn’t it, today’s good Christians shouldn’t have to worry about that as reincarnation is not in Christianity’s story, unless of course reincarnation was one of the threads of truth dropped off as the new religion evolved and created its point of difference, adding instead that the Godman died for the followers’ sins. Presumably those were sins created in the current life as there is no mention of any other.

What if reincarnation is a fact, that there is individual karma, national karma, even global karma? There could then be a collective karma for the DCCC, for its dominant race the “white man”, and these debts could come up for payment one day.  Which should make us wonder, if the payment is accompanied by a world of confusion, it could even look like the mess we (planet earth) are in today. As the prophet Bob Dylan sang, “The times they are a changing”..

To throw another twist into an already confused story are the ancient scripts, which can also be brushed aside if you like, which describe the grand cycles of ages, including the rise and fall of empires based on racial colour. Nothing in there to do with race science and racial superiority of one race over another as today’s white supremacists might claim, just a cycle of different racial groups taking their turn at dominance of the planet.

So is it remarkable timing?, or it’s simply a coincidence, to watch the rise of China while the leader of the DCCC, the recipient of the majority of slaves over which a civil war was fought, the exponent of the most inequitable, selfish and short-sighted form of capitalism, is imploding. But then every thing decays with age so we don’t really need esoterica to explain natural erosion, decline and decay. So the above could be wise words, or moral clap trap for you to take your pick.

And the reference above to “coincidence”. It’s a similar word to “accident”. Both are words without valid meaning which are are used to describe misunderstood events. That’s if your a follower of one of the schools of thought which say there is no such thing as an accident, or coincidence.

I’m a true believer myself, but not in the mainstream vein. The way I see it, yes, there are predictable outcomes which do bare a remarkable resemblance to modern times. And yes, there are rules, enshrined in the doctrines of every religion, including Christianity, and if you don’t adhere to them you will succumb to the Roman’s fate, which we know didn’t last forever.

So I wonder why so many Christians, particularly mean-spirited neoliberal neo-capitalist small c christians, long for the return of Jesus? What do they expect him to do if he does return, forgive their actions as minor shenanigans? I can’t imagine he would. It’s not his role to forgive all his followers, or a nations karma, he can’t, if he did he’d get fried, shrivel up and disappear, or whatever happens when you find yourself inside a proverbial nuclear reactor.

l imagine if their wish comes true and Jesus does return they will be shocked by his very stern words. As he is reported as saying as the Romans nailed him to the cross, “forgive them my Lord, they know not what they do”.

Greece — The Foundation of Western Culture.

Here’s a recap to remind us where we began with the spread of the Indo-European languages by the migrations of Yamnaya horse riding, metal working pastoralists from the eastern steppe, what is today’s Ukraine and Russia. Yama means “related to pits” in Russian, and refers to how these people placed their dead in simple burial chambers. Maybe we should call their homeland “Yamnyastan”.

By 2000 BC Northern Europe had received the strongest infusion of Yamnaya to indigenous DNA of 75% in the Scandinavian north, down to the UK at 50%.  Southern Europe was less, decreasing to 20% in Spain, while Greece in the south east was around 18%, having been heavily influenced by indigenous migrations from Iran through Turkey.

Whereas Genetics and DNA can provide the generational trail of material bodies, appearance, colour, medical disposition etc, going back many lives, linguistics tells us about the transmission of cultural traditions, but not who these people were. Archeology gives us a snapshot of the physical landscape, cultural quirks of a society, and age through carbon dating.

So it takes all 3 to understand who people were, what they looked like, what they believed, where they came from, and who they became.  So the percentage of Yamnaya DNA in Greek society makes a suggestion of how Indo-European derivative language, which morphed into Sanskrit in the East, could have penetrated in the West. The Greek alphabet helps fill in the gaps.

What we know is Greece may have had little Yamnaya DNA, and a non Indo-European independent language, but it authored the most inspiring cultural, legal and artistic works that would later be translated into flourishing languages like Latin, and later Arabic and through them go on to shape the world. The English language is made up from 9% French, 29% Latin, 26% Germanic, and only 6% Greek, but translation into global languages, particularly English, made Greek Culture the foundation of western civilisation. And central to Greek culture is Pythagoras, the spiritual master of his day.

Pythagoras was an avid traveller and student of life who lived and studied at all the mystical institutions in the region. He had spent 10 years in Egypt when it was invaded by Persia, but they saw who he was, the son of Apollo, and took him under their wing. He returned to Samos aged 56, but politically it had changed and wasn’t compatible with his vision, so he moved to Kroton in Southern Italy where he established an ashram. Initiates there would learn who they were, sparks of an energy from beyond their world, a Oneness. No one took notes, they were sworn to secrecy and lived a disciplined, ascetic, vegetarian life. 

What’s really interesting is these Pythagorean principles would turn up again, and again, and again as an alternate “new age” religion during every culture and age. The mysticism behind every religion follow a similar theme. It was there in the ashrams of the 13th to 17th century Sant Mat movement in India. Its still there, and here, wherever you are today. Sant Mat in Sanskrit translates into “the way of the saints”.

The awakening in Greece spawned leaders like Pericles, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, it blossomed into the Golden Age of the Greek Empire, and gave birth to democracy. A golden age is what happens at the start of an age when the truth is known. The leaders are aware of who they really are, they had the vision of something great and the energy from the Oneness helps them achieve it.

But the physical world of power hungry people and politics can be a dangerous place for the purveyor of truth, which is a reason why the truth is usually kept secret.  Here’s a paragraph from Wikipedia which tells a bigger story;

Following Kroton’s (Pythagoras’s adopted home in Italy) decisive victory over Sybaris (a province in Greece), in around 510 BC, Pythagoras’s followers came into conflict with the supporters of democracy, and Pythagorean meeting houses were burned. Pythagoras may have been killed during this persecution, or he may have escaped to Metapontum (in southern Italy) and died there”. (Yes he died of starvation in the siege of a temple where he was trapped).

What we see there, if I’m allowed to join the hypothetical dots, is the Pythagorean movement, built on the knowledge of Oneness, came into conflict with the fledgling democracy movement and the State sponsored religion’s binary view of the world.

It’s a similar story for Socrates, who believed that death was not the end of existence, merely the separation of soul from the body. He was accused of corrupting the youth of Athens and not adhering to the State’s multi god religion. A jury of 501 Athenian men, probably farmers voted in a majority to sentence Socrates to death by drinking a concoction of hemlock. 

That’s Plato’s interpretation, but he was a student of Socrates and it looks like his version of history spun it in favour of his master. The backstory of Socrates tells it differently.

As a young boy Socrates lived through the rise of Pericles which coincided with the Golden age of Greece. Pericles was recorded history’s first Liberal Democrat who oversaw the creation of what looks like a welfare state.  He established peoples courts and funded the arts. His social welfare and building projects led to full employment and financial security for the common man. Among his capital works projects was rebuilding the Acropolis and construction of the Parthenon.

Socrates though grew to oppose this revolutionary liberalism and democracy, and taught his students, Plato among them, that some commoners lacked the values and virtue to play a roll in government, which should be reserved for wise and enlightened leaders. Like himself. Which is an extension of the Pythagorean Kroton administration where those who were deemed as unworthy of a vote were excluded.

Two of his students went on to drive brief but bloody coups against the state, first in 411 BC, and again in 404, which Socrates brushed aside and continued on with his rebellious teaching. So it’s really not surprising that the people, who loved their newfound security, freedom and influence, through their peoples court sentenced Socrates to death.

Later under Pillar 1 – Democracy, we will see how Liberty and Democracy are possibly incompatible, as that’s at the core of Socrates beliefs, and the US founding fathers inclinations for their new constitution. Were their fears justified, could democracy kill off Liberty and lead to mob rule?

Back then without universal education and a generally “ignorant” electorate probably yes. But in the current digital information age where everyone goes to school and owns a smartphone with access to everything? Well that’s also a yes as it depends on who marshals the mob and controls the messaging. The election of Donald Trump to the White House and the January 6th insurrection is all the proof we should need.


Unfortunately it doesn’t take long following the highs of a golden age, after the spiritually enlightened leaders are gone, for less aware politicians to take over. Then it’s the passions of binary mind that inspire, short term self interest prevails, so the knowledge of Oneness goes underground and is forgotten. In one sense it translates into the swing of the pendulum from an altruistic universal good for many, to what’s good for the more powerful few. 

There are wars, and new religions are formed, and each time bits of the truth are dropped off, replaced with ever more complex doctrines and rituals. With each “revival” there is an intermediate golden age, a silver age, like a renaissance driven by an awakening to the new version of truth, the focus of love and passion for commerce, which disguises the greed and lust for power. There have been hundreds of revolutions over the last 2500 years, a process of devolution and so we arrive at today, like at the opposite pole where mind is quite obviously in total control, and it looks like mad mind men might destroy what’s left of the place.

Is it a coincidence that this journey from Ancient Greece to today, with the planet in a terrible mess, chaos on every front, with the behemoth of China, intent on payback, flexing its muscles as it readies to pick up the pieces? So what’s the game here, how can this be turned around? Is it possible to turn this ship around? Which ship are we talking about? The white man’s ship? Probably not as it’s looking like a wreck.

But bits of it can be salvaged. There are a lot of deserving people who, if they knew the simple truth could get on board and maybe, with a new vision, if not change the yet to be written trajectory, at least they could avoid being collateral damage, and save themselves.

There’s a lot to be said about the power of vision so here’s something to contemplate which might open doors.  At our end, vision is a tool of soul looking out on the world, it visualises, creating a living mould, which we fill with love as we toil our creation into being. So imagine the power of this thing called God at the heart of the Oneness, and its vision for the binary universe. It’s focused energy manifests as the Big Bang and time begins as googles of billions of trillions of polarised particles explode out into the void, creating space, consolidating into stars, planets, forms of life, and black holes, the graveyards at the other end of the chain.

So what are black holes? Astrophysicists see black holes as massive cosmic vacuum cleaners that suck in dead stars, planets and other space junk, at their core is the highly compressed rubble of infinite mass, the volume of millions of stars and planets compressed to the size of a pin head.

But maybe that should be a pin point instead, and black holes are the opposite of the Big Bang, where the binary matter is squeezed and compressed to the juncture where its time ends as the life giving energy, the One, withdraws, allowing the polarised particles to negate each other and disappear, leaving nothing.

Now there’s a theory to be demolished by logicians, but it’s food for thought as the absolute truth is an aspect of the Oneness, it’s eternal, compared to matter which exists only temporarily in time.
