Out of the Ether

Chapter 10

The second pillar of civil society – its Religion

So the next pillar of society is religion, which, for western democracies is generally a brand of Christianity, and I had naively imagined religion was about helping and supporting little god-loving people in need. Pious, humble, the meek will inherit the earth (and heaven), but just how that changed with some 20th century powerhouse denominations getting into bed with capitalists is an extraordinary tale, which we get to later in Pillar 3 – Economy

I’ve thought a lot about Jesus and the idea of his second coming, and don’t really see why he would bother, but we will get to that in detail later. For now let’s frame the second coming as the scene for a Netflix or Hollywood movie. Here I’ll rough out a theme for the script, with a few ideas for writers to embellish.

If Jesus Christ returns, which is what many Christians and some special Christian politicians think they are preparing the way for, I reckon the first thing he will do is make his way to Washington DC, to Saint Johns Episcopal Church across Lafayette Square from the White House, and convince the Bishop of Washington who he is. He’s got a very tricky multi-faceted political minefield ahead so needs to start at the top, so the plan is to set up office at the “Church of the Presidents”. It’s a short walk across the square to introduce himself to the President, and start the ball rolling to arrange to address a joint session of Congress. The USA is the most powerful nation in the Christian world and branded itself a “Nation under God”, so this is obviously the place to start.

He will also have to talk to all the Christian religious leaders to assure them he isn’t taking sides and is in agreement with their core principles. those he doesn’t agree with can be discussed privately at a later date. He will assure them that he understands that each branch represents a group consciousness on the planet, each individual though are their own package, while at their core is a spark of divine being he represents. He can begin receiving these leaders while the politicians are being assembled.

The address to Congress needs to be blunt. The President probably needs to deploy the national guard, with the military on standby to control unruly militias, as the constitution needs some revision, with the first order of business being to immediately repeal the 2nd Amendment and disarm the nation. Probably should repeal the 1st amendment also as it’s interpretation seems to encourage some really dangerous and anti social behaviour. We are dealing with human beings here on earth, and as the founding fathers knew many should not be given a voice and megaphone, which today has morphed into social media.

Martial law is probably needed while other amendments are enacted to enshrine in the constitution the separation of the courts and state, introduce universal proportional voting, abolish the archaic electoral-college system, remove discriminatory electoral enrolment rules, re-regulate business and markets, establish a “fact check” authority and new rules to encourage racial tolerance and to encourage balanced media reporting, and an independent anti corruption commission to keep all those in public life honest.

Next he would summon any still living media barons, the ones who haven’t died of fright, or the chairs of the corporations they founded, and ask for their cooperation as they were now required to promote harmony instead of the partisan chaos they had thrived on in the past.

To encourage their cooperation Jesus could advise the media proprietors that he is planning for a press conference to announce a raft of changes to media rules, which will have dramatic consequences for the share price of any non compliant media assets.

Compliance was therefore their wisest option, otherwise their outfits would need to be disbanded and be liable in a new Federal Media Court for any corruption and criminality or other injustice they may have perpetrated over the decades.

He understood who they were and just because the founding patriarchs were thought to be long gone, their kin should ponder who they could be today. And that he too understood the adage “there is no such thing as a free lunch”, and that the divine accounting principle “the books have to balance”, also known in more enlightened circles as the law of karma, will have to be applied.


I’ve presumed here that Jesus has returned to the physical world in response to prayers and pleas from the global Christian community. But also out of compassion and empathy to aid those little people who were left behind as Christian leaders veered off on a tangent to the right, overvaluing wealth at the expense of gods people in need. So his mission would be to re-establish a balance and then move out of the way.

He’d start by suggesting that for a Christian nation to prosper and be sustainable it would need to be morally responsible for its actions, so would need to go back to the basic tenets of the faith.  Which calls for a major change in attitudes, to where the priority of those with more is to ensure the health and wellbeing of those with less, rather than focus on themselves.

There are 3 general principles which if followed would ensure success, so he suggests all should consider these when planning their organisation’s and personal codes of conduct. These are:

  • The more you give away the more you will receive.
  • If you don’t want anything you can have it all.
  • Treat others with the same high regard you hold for yourself .

The basic problem for contemporary Christian society, particularly one proclaiming to be “One Nation under God” was that the 2 tiered justice system, consisting of inner and outer courts had broken down and needed to be reorganised with the inner component given equal recognition. This breakdown is caused in part by the misunderstanding and application of the suggestion “Jesus died for our sins”.

Inner justice revolved around the 5 fundamental indulgences by which the game should in future be played, where any infringements would attract a penalty, which generally would accrue as a debt, but could be annulled by responding correctly in a replay of the offending incident. The inner was therefore subconsciously self administered, and a matter of conscience. For those without a conscience he would recommend they studied the more ancient religions, taking particular note of how karma worked, and it’s basic rules and laws so as to avoid excessive self inflicted pain.

The rules themselves were easy to understand and should be widely known as they were in principle as described in the moral codes of all the world religions. The easy way to avoid a penalty was to resist the temptation to infringe in the first place, which understandably would prove difficult for those with a particularly pesky and stubborn mind. But as we all eventually learn from our mistakes, it’s true that practice can lead to perfection. Those who couldn’t adjust would unfortunately gravitate into the outer justice system with its places of incarceration called jails.

Outer justice would be administered by the courts already in place, and apply physical penalties which will be taken into consideration by the etheric administration software which adjudicates on all karmic matters. That justice system operates in the background on a higher plane so is fail safe and foolproof, beyond manipulation by even the most inventive entrepreneurs or criminal hacker networks.

It would be necessary to tweak most public institutions, while private organisations could reorganise themselves. He would be conducting workshops and communicating through digital media to train facilitators who would assist organisations to rearrange their affairs to synchronise with the new rules. It was best for everyone to consider this new reality as a temporary declaration of martial law, the rules being non negotiable, as is the Father’s way.

So after overseeing the new sustainable legal framework, with clearly defined legislative intent, with the basic rule being to consider others and the consequences of not doing so before you act, he will step back out of the limelight. With that this Heaven on Earth chapter, with the USA now “One Nation under God” was under way, the next big challenge being to convince the rest of the world to play by these rules.

At the grand handover ceremony Jesus would thank the Christian community for their devotion and offer his understanding and apology for any misunderstanding if they didn’t like this second coming outcome. In the future they should be mindful of what they prayed and wished for. As a parting gesture he would suggest several meditation techniques and chants which could guide them to salvation, and wish them the best of luck, they were now on their own as he had answered their prayers, and was now free to return to the Oneness.

But here’s a warning. If a character appears who’s spiritual credentials indicate he’s an emissary from a lower etheric world, then beware he’s an imposter. He’ll have little authority with no hope of convincing the expert mystics from the other religions. He has to get them onboard to have any chance of winning over the worlds politicians. Without politicians and their military on side the second coming is bound to start its own Armageddon.

If you think that’s too fanciful I’d have to agree with you. But not because it’s at odds with the various officially recognised prophecies, which are based on scholarly interpretations of scriptures.

At least the script outlined above is realistic in our contemporary world. What gives it away as fanciful is it undermines the whole purpose of life on planet earth, so only an imposter from a lower mind world, who’s pedalling relative truths and fantasy would be proposing to turn it into something else.  There are technical issues too which are discussed towards the end of this chapter.


The world is in the midst of numerous crises, so is Jesus visiting the physical world to intervene in all of these? If so, his mission is far more complex.

To complicate things there is hardly a unanimous position of just who Jesus was, even amongst Christians, let alone all the other world religions. Basically it’s a question of who does he represent on the ladder encapsulated in 222, as he could be one of Christianity’s 3, the father, son or Holy Ghost, or the Christian’s one, and if so he may then also represent the other world and lesser-known religions, or is he from beyond the bubble and be the voice of the Oneness. 

The trouble with the above scenario is how is Jesus going to convince the Bishop of Washington and the President that he is the messiah? There can be claps of lightning or unscheduled eclipses or other magic events, and obviously he would need full acceptance before revealing the agenda or he’s going to get locked up as an emissary of Satan instead. 

I don’t really see how this is going to work, and logically, that’s using the logic of 3 which most won’t be familiar with, it’s more likely that the USA and the other DCCC members should just get on uninterrupted on the road to their already scheduled destination. It’s probably too late to turn the ship around.


But there is this other way to see the second coming as it may be that Jesus, as a God man, like Krishna, Abraham and others before and after delivered the same simple message of truth. The Hindu mystic tradition for example includes the very profound trinity of Brahm, Vishnu and Shiva. This can be interpreted as Brahm is active which means positive, Shiva is passive so negative, while Vishnu is neutral. There, Brahm and Shiva are mind’s polar opposites,Vishnu is spirit, and in the most ancient and purest tradition, true god men are reincarnations of this Vishnu principle. Krishna was therefore representing Vishnu, presumably as was Jesus, meaning he came with the message of truth, if not direct from the oneness, at least from the One at the head of the binary bubble.

If that’s who Jesus really was his pure message is basically the same as Krishna, and all the other God men upon whose message a world religion was founded. Then what the second coming of Christ might mean is that the divine message will again become known on Earth, which doesn’t actually mean it’s got to be delivered by a man in person calling himself Jesus, as there are many other ways of awakening the world to the truth.

For example there are already independent gurus, in the tradition of Sant Mat, the Indian movement from a few centuries ago, which is still alive today. The most authentic of these gurus don’t seek the limelight, instead live an ascetic life, seeking a nameless god, as it’s the ultimate form of mystical tradition. You should Google Sant Mat and see where it takes you. For those with the discipline its a pathway to heaven.

OK, if the return of Jesus is to take that almost secret Sant Mat message into the mainstream, it’s going to cause quite a ruckus as the big world religions are going to find their doctrines and concept of truth are not aligned with the messiah’s message. It’s hard to see how the discrepancies can be explained to the quite shocked congregations.

It’s going to leave enormous numbers of people, half the world’s population bewildered and rudderless, and I can’t see how that would be the mission of a true god-man. Even a low profile story like I’m telling here is sailing close to the wind. Imagine a character bursting onto the scene in a blaze of publicity, and he contradicts most of the worlds religious leaders, certainly the loudest of them. How can that work?

It won’t work, so best we drop the truth scenario and go back to the fairytales that everyone wants to believe.


Whatever the process, the concept of the second coming of Jesus should be taken very seriously by anyone interested in people’s, particularly politician’s motivation. Not necessarily because they believe a second coming is likely, but, for example, what are the implications for a nation if their politicians are seriously religious and see the second coming as an inevitable event and use their power to pave its way.

Historically the political leaders would seek advise on “spiritual” matters by consulting mystics, shamans, witch doctors, so today its more likely their favoured pastor, priest, imam or rabbi. So public policy can be shaped by the most unexpected sources.

Consider for example how a true believer awaiting the arrival of the saviour and the imminent day of judgement might see no urgency in mitigating the effects of climate change. Why should we stop burning our god-given coal if Jesus will soon be here with the power to turn darkness into light, and our world into a heaven. I used coal here as an example as that’s been our experience in Australia early in the 21st century.

If you don’t understand serious religious conviction then it’s easy to dismiss this as irrelevant, but anyone who does have a personal relationship with an entity they call God will know its power, and understand how religion can be a major shaper of a politician’s opinions. Just how strong and overriding will depend on the religious fervour, or ego driven delusion as some may actually see themselves in a special position, like having a special mission in history, maybe they will be appointed a regional director, or graced with a seat at the messiah’s inner cabinet table.

When politicians make captain’s calls like announcing the embassy of their nation is to be moved to Jerusalem, as did US President Trump, and as did a recent Australian PM, who is also a Pentecostal Christian, we should ask what could be the drivers behind such a decision. In Trump’s case I suspect that the suggestion came from advisers, so we don’t know their motivation. But with Morrison the Australian PM, was it an idea which came from a revered charismatic, but now disgraced Christian leader, or was it a thought bubble which was then asked for clarification in prayer, which was interpreted in the affirmative.

The question should be where, in the hierarchy of the greater universe, that is including both dimensions, did the answer actually come from?  It’s an interesting question and we can arrive at a pretty reliable answer, but first we need to know the options, which can be from any step up the ladder from the physical world of matter, up through the etheric mind worlds which religions call heavens, and on to the dimension of oneness.

You can then look at our politician’s particular choice of words, particularly when discussing religion, how he presents himself, how honest is he, who are his allies and friends?  What church does he attend, what are its tenets,  doctrines, what language does it use?

If you have an understanding of that ladder you soon see where the Poly and his church probably fit in, which is a good start on where his  inspiration comes from. But it’s still something to contemplate, throw the question out there and move on, till ping, in comes some info to refine the answer.


I’m going back to the introduction of this story, to 222 and the search for its meaning. Once there is an understanding of this concept you can see things from 3 different perspectives:

  • From the human or body counciousness events unfold along a timeline in a logical order. 
  • In the cosmic consciousness world of mind we add a religious perspective, open to illusion and magic
  • From the oneness come extra tools, it’s a multi dimensional awareness, the past is irrelevant, the future replaced by vision, moving towards you in a constant now.

Those three are the realms of body, mind and soul.

We seem to live in our body, with a mind that plays with ideas and decides what to do, how we behave. So our mind seems to live in another world and we could ask are we really our body, which is just a piece of meat and bone. It gets old and dies, so could we really be our mind, which runs our body like a computer runs a robot. That says we would still be alive even when our body is dead.

So we need to imagine what the etheric world of mind might be. Could it be a mirror like image of this lower world of matter, with islands and nations for the different cultures, religions and beliefs. That’s like a parallel world, but more refined as it’s particles and waves are in motion at a frequency way beyond our lower world range. That’s why we can’t see or detect it while grounded in our body. So what is astral vision, is that a glimpse into a higher vibratory world using our cosmic consciousness mind.

So maybe this mind world actually mirrors what we have here with nations for the different religions, characters like prime ministers, presidents, Sultans and Kings and Queens as their leaders. That explains ghosts, fairies, angels, so our religion’s gods are there as leaders in the mind worlds which we can now call heavens.

Those gods, they seem to be portrayed as benevolent dictators. But I presume they have councils, committees, boards and leaders representing all the earthly religions, and Jesus could be one of them, awaiting his second coming, probably trapped there by the pull of adoration from below.

It’s where people can go when their body dies, or they go there in a dream when their body is asleep. That’s likely what some dreams are. Some religions have ideas about reincarnation where an individual’s soul/mind package goes back and forth, from this first level of heaven and earth to take up its new body.  One Buddhist tradition suggest 49 days above before taking up residence again in its next smelly, sweaty, pain prone ape like fleshy body.

Life on Earth might be like a school, or even a jail. In that scenario the etheric world existence looks like the main game, this lower world is for learning or punishment of a naughty mind, or soul if that’s an option? Other religions have different ideas, but why not, it’s for us to choose between the many versions of relative truth, but in the end there is but one truth which begins at the ultimate source. Its down the ladder into the mind worlds that we find the source of those relative truths.

Our immediate goal could be to learn how to manage life within both those realms of truth, embracing a binary mainstream belief, which keeps you in touch with your family, friends and neighbours, while exploring in silence the wonders and secrets of the Oneness.

If the purpose to this model is to create a lower world of great diversity, with conflicting opinions, of competing religions and all the confusion which follows, it has  certainly been a success. The political, economic, religious and ethnic chaos on planet earth today backs that up, so you’d have to say if the goal was to create a school of hard knocks for down to earth learning experiences it’s been a very effective strategy.


So on the “spiritual elevator” we have solid earth as the ground floor where we reside in a physical body, which requires the right mix of solid food, liquid and gas to sustain it. Muck that up and the body gets sick.

I don’t think there’s a basement in this hierarchy, as the concept of a hell doesn’t really have any basis. The closest Jesus came to the concept was “Gehenna”, a particularly unpleasant valley outside the walls of Jerusalem to where the wicked could be banished. Generally the worst most cultures had on offer as punishment is denying an outcast a proper burial.

So going up, the first level is what’s commonly known as the Astral World, the First Heaven of the religions. It’s the lowest of 3 mind worlds, and is a world of mainstream residence we visit in dreams. I don’t know the detail but presume it’s administered by variations of the whole gamut of social and political systems we are familiar with down here.

The next level up is a non residential level we can bypass as it’s confined to administration, record keeping and is the source of ideas and prototypes of things. When your off with the pixies in a state of reverie imagining a new creation, daydreaming, that’s possibly where you are.

The next level is the Third Heaven which is of real interest as there sits a very high committee, a council representing all the organisations from the world below. At its head sits its chairman, the God of religion who overseas all below. It’s a soul in its own right, with a powerful mind, could be a he, a she, but why either, could be both, or neither, a non binary one?.

This structure has to be built out of something, so a clue might be in what science has discovered about the origin of matter. There we see how matter can be broken into particles of opposing electric charge, like  quarks and leptons, while mind itself is also obsessed with that binary language, even up the top there’s a force for good called god and a force for bad, the devil.

So where do those 2 streams meet?  Are they opposite poles, or is this their origin, where a universal energy stream is split into positive and negative and used to build all that follows? Is that what’s going on up there at the 3rd heaven, the one god at the summit of mind is actually in charge of both those streams? Is that the God of duality? But how does that work, as that looks like this god must also be the devil.

There are, however, older doctrines, or the mystical traditions of the earthy mind religions which describe a further world beyond, so rarefied it’s a void, the Fourth Heaven, a world of nothing. If you bowed in reverence at the feet of the god of religion and gazed into the void beyond you would know you’d arrived. Except it’s a hoax as the void is the rarefied sheath of nothing, the polar opposite of the worlds of something below.

But then other beliefs, the oldest, which suggest beyond it all, beyond the void is a world of Oneness. So removed it’s beyond the prescriptions of religion.

Could it really be so, where there can be a technical description such as this. If not exactly this does it matter? It’s the endless journey that’s important, not the detail of the elusive destination. Can we symbolise that journey as 5 concentric circles, the middle a solid ball of matter surrounded by 4 levels of mind called heavens. It’s like a binary bubble of space, matter, polarised energy, and as it must have had a start, it’s duration is measured in time. It’s like a balloon floating in an ocean of boundless love, the Oneness.

It’s this concept of 5 concentric circles, which gave me the grid on which to design our little Hansa 2.3. So while I was considering the makeup and ramifications of these mind worlds I was designing a little sailboat, it’s lines were drawn on a grid based on where those circles crossed the waterline. The little sailboat became a symbol of the binary bubble floating in the Oneness which drew me deeper into the ultimate meaning of 222. It’s why the little 2.3 is such a magic little boat, and why it’s role is misunderstood in the materialistic worlds where, in the right hands it comes to life, driving through waves, drawn along by the pressure of wind.

This journey took me on a very wild ride, sending me on gold and diamond smuggling missions to support my Moslem family, to see another side of the world, while filling my consciousness with esoteric detail which changed my life. It took a sad hedonistic loser, landed me in Bangladesh’s Dhaka central jail for nearly 4 years for a secluded re-education program, which on release changed my direction, as I was to return to Australia to become a boat builder.

Well thats one way to see it, as I’d always designed sailboats and wanted to build them, so this was really just a roundabout and adventurous way to bring to fruition, to manifest a lifelong vision.


While I used 5 concentric circles, other beliefs have attempted to symbolise this binary bubble as the earth surrounded by bands of air. By coincidence there are 5 layers layers of atmosphere becoming more rarefied the higher you ascend, the gods are up there in the mountains, with the mythical yeti up there in the clouds, seen occasionally by people with astral vision.

Other beliefs look within the body where something similar is symbolised by the chakras ascending to a god like yogi, escape into a higher world is through the third eye in the forehead.

Or there is sun worship with rays as waves of descending vibration, from gamma and X rays, passing through white light, the colours of the rainbow, through sound waves descending to subsonic sound, so dull and slow it’s very close to solidifying into matter.

What these 4 systems have in common is the world of our physical bodies as the base with higher vibratory or rarefied levels ascending to the seat of a godlike power.

It doesn’t matter where you believe you are in this scheme of things. Each individual is a package of truth, their past lives evolving them into who they are today. Our bodies anchored on planet earth, our minds are where we find comfort according to our tribe, while our unique spark of consciousness, no matter what tribe we belong to, no matter what our beliefs, or our sexual orientation, whether we believe in a god or not, we can always be alive and aware in the oneness as it is uniquely personal. It’s private, and experienced in silence.

What this symbolism does is allow for each of us to imagine where our beliefs are from. Are we anchored in earth and matter, a believer in magic, witches, gnomes and spirits, chakras and yogis, gods and devils, do we imagine we come from a divine matrix, or a void, or are we alive and free in a non-where dimension, the Oneness?


For another perspective there is the world of our logo on the Hansa Sailing website which says :

the simplest explanation for it’s (our logo) origin is the bird is a swan, and a swan in Sanskrit is a Hansa. Influence can be seen in Indonesian and Malay language where a goose (or a swan) is an Angsah. Sanskrit is the language of the ancient white skin Aryan man who once roamed Central Asia, and from whom German philosophers have derived inspiration, with one honourable legacy being the great world airline Lufthansa.

So far this is pretty mundane, but for those who want the story can go deeper, to an oriental myth which states that at the third heaven, soul bathes in the Lake of Mansarover and emerges as a Hansa, the symbol of a purified soul. We could ask which came first, the truth behind the myth or the Sanskrit language which recorded it?

Unfortunately for the Hansa, the myth goes on to suggest that this is the end of the story, that soul blends in with some divine matrix, losing its identity like a drop of water is absorbed into a rivers flow.

There is however another way which has no ending. It says our Hansa sees this as only the end of matter, mind, energy and time and flies on and into the ever expanding worlds of oneness and eternity, retaining its individuality, more like a swan floating on an ocean of love and mercy instead of being lost in the something or nothing worlds below”.

So one’s inspiration can come from any of those sources, and generally we should be able to gauge where that may be by following the trail, picking up the clues which flow from a person’s mouth, or maybe it’s the clothes they are wearing today, which colours did they choose. All these things are clues to a person’s identity, or at least their identity today, it’s a snapshot, for things can change, so we need to remain fluid and avoid dogmatics. It was a painful time for me when learning this, as every time I made a firm decision, or offered an opinion, within minutes I was proved wrong. That’s the power of spirit when it has you in its sights, until you have to surrender and admit you know nothing.

If we, as soul ask Spirit a question it will cause people, (who are, at their core, souls giving life to other bodies), to make certain choices, do certain things, they may even wonder why they did that uncharacteristic thing, but for you who asked spirit the question they are statements, with hidden answers as they relate to the question you asked. Or it can even be before you consciously ask it a question.

That’s if you are awake and aware of this connection you have between your true self and spirit. People don’t realise that they can all be played like puppets by spirit, the master puppeteer. It’s why I call it the Joker. It’s from a different dimension and overrides even a full hand of aces.

It’s about joining the dots, so one of the first things you want to know about someone is what is their religion. But each religion has its different levels, which more or less fit into the etheric hierarchy suggested above.

There will be a more earthy division  run by the organisation: its retail shop front, it’s places of mass worship and congregation. Then there will be the mystical levels: what goes on in a monastery, monks, ascetics, in silence, in meditation.

Then on to head office. Are the leaders at the top enlightened beings, with their inspiration at least as lofty as the peak of their religion in its heavens, with altruistic, ascetic values ingrained in their being. Or are they politicians and business men adept at managing the corporate structure, even down to the low societal standards adopted/acceptable down at the bottom, in the gutter which much of the world looks like today.

Have the religion’s mystics, the etheric communicators, the receivers of divine inspiration, the generators of vision, have they been replaced by scholars and theorists searching for hidden meanings in religious texts, interpreting ancient scrips to backup their wish for an Armageddon and second coming of their messiah. If so the religion has lost its connection with the ether and like a robot or android is technically dead.


The beauty of the oneness is its simplicity: It just is. No need to intellectualise, or you can get bogged down in the myriad detail of everything in the bubble. You only need to use google and Wikipedia to see what that looks like. Follow any link and watch the cascading detail unfold until you are lost in the confusion. Not that there aren’t wonderful gems of information in there.

Like I followed a link about ascetics which led to Bhikku, a Buddhist monk, which led to related historical terms in western literature which ended in :- “the Talapoin”, a monkey named after Buddhist monks just as the Capuchin monkey is named after the order of friars minor Capuchin, who are also the origin of the word cappuccino”. So there you go, it’s such a magical world. The Friars Minor Capuchin drank cappuccino. I wonder if they were vegetarians and made it with soy milk like we do.

Maybe a useful way to use the myriad of detail and confusion generated in the bubble is to work our way backwards through it to the source, and step out into a whole new world on the other side. The objective should be to identify just what was the core message of each of the God men upon whom the world religions have been built, because each would have told a remarkably similar story.

But as we are particularly interested in the  follies of the DCCC, I’m going to use Jesus and distill his message to this: “Treat others as you want them to treat you, which means there is no need to be selfish and greedy, so consider the impact on others and the environment in all that you do”.

Somehow that message has blown out into millions of words trumpeted by thousands of competing organisations all claiming to lead us out of this mess, which they themselves have created. It looks to me like an upside down funnel or cone which has grown in height and width as a simple message is diced, spliced, reinterpreted, retranslated, new schools of thought added, philosophies theorised, careers, universities and empires built.

To see what I mean we need an internet connection and access to Wikipedia. We could use any language and any religion, but here it’s English and Christianity as they are the central players in this game. First type into your search engine “religion”, open religion Wikipedia, scroll down and peruse the complexity, choose “Christianity” and scroll to the bottom. Choose anything and follow links until you are totally lost and forgot what we are trying to do here.

So let’s try a new beginning, google “deism”, up comes “belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator who does not intervene in the universe”. That’s actually not an inaccurate concept. Now open deism according to Wikipedia. Look around, open Thomas Aquinas, he was obviously a good guy. Click back to deism and open “age of enlightenment” and look around there for a more logical view of these matters, but down near the bottom you will find “Immanuel Kant”, open that and scroll down to see what he was involved in, under Religion what schools of thought he contributed to, what theses he authored, his advisors, his students, his interests, and his main ideas.

Good heavens, that’s the enormous breadth of this thing, the religious, ethical, moral, intellectual and rational concepts that have grown from what was Jesus original message, which was incidentally not about creating a world religion, but a reminder to the Jews of the day to get back to the basics.

We can very easily follow the growth of this cone of confusion by noting the date of each new amendment, the additional inputs, until today we have thousands of denominations, sects, cults, creeds, doctrines, philosophical, intellectual, rational, sceptic, ethical schools of thought, etc. If we can follow it down as it dilutes and proliferates we can also follow it back up to its source as Jesus attempting to tweak or reform the Judaism of his day, which incidentally wasn’t so obsessed with the good and evil, light and dark dualistic interplay which dominates the religion created in his name.


We can also bring in some science, with all its numerous disciplines describing aspects of mind, matter, energy, space and time, which is essentially studying the physical universe. This is itself like a cone or upside down funnel with millions of papers and PhDs written covering every aspect of matter, including its origins, with studies of atoms, molecular structures, g-nomes, and approaching the source at the top we have particle physics and particle colliders producing flashes of evidence of quarks and electrons being the binary building blocks of matter.

Yes, a quark is a fundamental particle and a primary constituent of matter. Quarks combine to form composite particles called hadrons, the most stable of which are protons and neutrons, the components of atomic nuclei. There are 6 types of quarks – up, down, strange, charm, bottom and top. Quarks are either +2/3 charge, or -1/3 charge. So to form protons as the core of a positive nucleus we have 2 x up quarks @ +2/3 charge each and 1 x down quark @ -1/3 charge.  This equation reads as + 2/3 + 2/3 – 1/3 = + 3/3 = + 1. Or .66666 x 2 – .33333 = 1. Involved in that exchange are 4 x positive charges and 1 negative charge. 4 – 1 = 3 = 1. This says 3 is a very significant number. Or you could read that as 1/3 is the most significant 1, but now we are heading into mind games.

The other significant component of a nuclear structure are the revolving electrons which balance the binary equation and in doing so create space. Electrons are also fundamental particles, meaning that so far nothing smaller has been discovered, but unlike quarks which combine to form a complete positive charge, electrons are complete as a stand alone single negative charge.

So there they are, each a negative charge revolving around a nucleus of a single positive charge, the building blocks of matter. +1 – 1 = something, as long as they don’t unite and negate each other. (+1 – 1 = 0). To me  thats proof that there must be “something” keeping them apart.

Electrons are actually a member of the lepton family, of which there are 6 variations, so there are a total of 12 fundamental particles, 6 quarks and 6 leptons. You have to love the symmetry and the genius behind the design, which is understandable if you relate to the magic in 3, and how using the duodecimal system which revolves around 12 encourages the use of numbers divisible by 3.

I was taught about this as the prototype 2.3 was built, and the magic flowed when I only used numbers divisible by 3 when deciding the dimensions of major components. When using 3 like this you finish up with a magic creation which delivers way beyond what you first imagined. Conversely, if you allow 7 to dominate your design your going to need a calculator for everything and will finish up with a dog’s breakfast. Interestingly 7 is a favourite number of earthy religion. I wondered why that is, wonder being the operative word because you won’t get far using binary logic.

But back to particle physics, which is all still a work in progress for researchers with several theoretical particles and related proposals to explain anomalies, but particle physicists are busy working on it. But one thing’s probably true, it’s these revolving electrons which create the 3 dimensional space of our physical universe, and their time began when they emerged at their creation event called the Big Bang


I suggest we pause and bring the 2 cones or funnels together, as they each represent the uppermost rarefied limit of the human mind’s investigative and introspective powers, and in their way are arriving at the same conclusion.

  • The first comes to a blunt “point” where we have combinations of quarks and electrons of opposing positive and negative charge, right here, or there depending where your consciousness is located, here at the interface of eternity and time, when matter comes into being from out of nowhere, it’s creation moment as it’s time begins in the binary bubble.
  • The other is the “peak” of the religious concept, the home of God as perceived by the binary mind, the inspiration for the Christ consciousness message as interpreted by Jesus’s followers. But they didn’t all get it, so there are conflicting versions. Or more correctly, they got it according to their degree of self awareness, so there are widely varying interpretations.

Let’s take that deep breath, close our eyes and step out of the bubble, or float out as soul leaving your mind behind, and into the ether whence you came. You are now in that other dimension, your a spark of its boundless energy, it’s everywhere and in everything, so you are wherever your imagination takes you. Look back at the binary bubble you just left, eyes closed, focus your attention to gaze around on mind’s world of semantics, of relative truth, scientific truth, cosmic truth, half truths, propaganda and spin, that wonderful world of science, politics, religion, business, imagine your life cycles in time, of rebirth and death, and your fight for survival. You are awake in a world of Oneness, the real heaven.

If only it was that easy, but mind’s not done with you yet, so welcome back to more delights and disasters in a body at the hard core centre of the binary bubble.


The above has introduced a number of alternate ways man has interpreted and symbolised his desire for belief in a supreme being. It gets incredibly complex if we were to consider every religion, sect and cult in recorded history, but it’s actually very simple if we go back to the origin of life and why we are here.

If we accept there is a Oneness, then imagine it as an eternal and infinite dimension, which is the fundamental source of energy. An aspect or spark of this energy is the life force and consciousness at the core of every living being. Living things evolve through different forms, but at the human level the highest rules or laws apply, and we have a choice of complying or not. If we don’t know those rules we will make unfortunate choices and earn negative points, which needs to be resolved to bring us back towards balance. That’s called karma.

The purpose of this is to learn to live by those rules, to make them our own, and we will keep reincarnating, usually within our family and community group as that’s where we probably screwed up, causing others grief, which will have to be corrected, we pay our debts, or receive payment from others, so we can all move on.

There will also be outlier infringements which will need to be revisited and resolved, as neutrality and balance is a precursor to spiritual evolution, which leads to self realisation, as an aware and enlightened soul. That’s the ultimate purpose of life, to wake up to who we really are and be able to return to our true home, which is the oneness.

The management of this process obviously relies on some very sophisticated equipment, but here I’ll liken it to a computerised administration system used by organisations like banks. So above we have basically the original concept of a computer, in etheric form of course, so not the clunky machines man thinks he’s very clever for “inventing”.

No one should doubt the power, or put limits on what Spirit can know or do as it operates in a timeless dimension. Therefore events don’t start and stop like in time, they just are. And as it’s in everything, as everything is made from its waves, it gives everything their existence. It also gives those living things their life. 

It’s therefore always in everything, all at once. Our mind can’t imagine that, but our consciousness can when we let it. It can therefore know everything about everything, but it doesn’t use that awareness and meddle in peoples lives, as once we, a spark of It are giving life to a physical body, we are then operating under the rules and laws of mind.

Mind is like an etheric computer which records how we are progressing on our spiritual evolutionary journey. It doesn’t need a lot of detail like Facebook does as it’s not trying to match us up to sell us something. It just needs to record how we reacted in a situation involving another living being, so their reaction is also recorded alongside our action.

In there lies the simplicity of karma, who did the right or wrong thing to whom, or to other forms of life, so they can be brought together later to clear up an outstanding account.

My understanding is when an individual, after living though many thousands, more like millions of experiences over hundreds of lives, we eventually pass a threshold and graduate to a new class. That switches us over to a more advanced program, where instead of having undisciplined, unsupervised free choice, invariably making matters worse, we are guided through the mess we have created in those previous lives. We could be taught tricks like reliving and reversing past experiences in a dream, and slowly we emerge, awaken, becoming more aware of our true identity and power. I know this because I was a very keen observer when things like this happened to me.

In that paragraph above is the key, the literal and proverbial key, as our existence in a body is under the control of mind, which automatically digs us deeper into its hole. It’s only when the function of karma is switched from restitution to resolution that it works to resolve issues, instead of creating more. Until that key is turned we go round and around in circles like a dog chasing it’s tail.

So we are trapped by these invisible locks, each rung on the ladder is locked, with mainstream religion making it worse by closing minds with their books of dogma and rules. It’s only when spirit enters our lives and turns that key can we progress through that minefield of mind.


This background understanding of religion should be interesting to observers of politicians as it reveals what’s probably going on in their heads and what’s behind their decisions, and what they don’t want you to know. So it’s very important to identify a politician’s religious convictions as the more overtly religious they are the more covert might be their inspiration. They know they are dealing with people on the ground so don’t want to reveal what will be seen by many as their looney motivation, and by others as too partisan towards one religion, particularly when the nation has a very diverse population.

As most governments are steeped in tradition, they will have rituals from their past which conservatives will want to preserve, to reinforce, to ensure the nation doesn’t get overrun with newcomers and their alien religious beliefs. However with ageing domestic populations they need the newcomers, or foreigners, they just need to be kept in check.

Generally you have glimpses of a religion’s standing in the symbols it uses. What numbers does it use in the design of its buildings, how many steps at the door, are there side doors, how many stupas and spires, how many bridges cross a surrounding mote. An example is Atlantis where Plato describes the layout of the mythical civilisation’s capital city, which shows how physical infrastructure is built to synchronise with a civilisation’s religion, which defines its physical mandala, and gives it its power.

Freemasonry have their standards based on their traditional mystical understanding. How many individuals in its hierarchy and committees. How many chapters in its books. How does it use numbers, number 3, 5, 7, 9. 12. the relationship of good to evil, opposites. Sin, karma, rebirth. What colours does it use, other symbols like fire, water, blood. All these little snippets are clues which paint its picture.

All religions will use combinations of these things. The indications will be hidden in its traditions, which have been formulated by its mystical division in the past. And if the religion has lost those living connections, then the organisation’s contemporary designers of buildings, publications etc may not know the source of the symbols, which together with its mantras, it’s chants, keep alive its magic. A reformation may occur and the new direction may have lost its connection to that magic. That’s how things degenerate with time. It’s a process of decay, which they thought was evolution to something better, maybe they felt a need to be more logical, responding to a more rational society. But they ended up at a dead end.

But then there might be a revolutionary breakaway which goes back to the roots. Hopefully it’s led by an enlightened gnostic with a cosmic or higher connection and not just an opportunistic con man, otherwise it will be only an intellectual construct and die. So I think you can form an understanding of where an organisation might sit on that schedule of 5 concentric circles, the ladder of spiritual hierarchy referred to earlier, though the word spiritual would, in a pure sense, only be used for business involving soul and above.

So technically the word spiritual is used out of context, to describe a lot of low grade binary bubble nonsense, but as spirit is everywhere, it’s in everything, if it wasn’t then all that stuff in the bubble wouldn’t/couldn’t exist, so we can compromise and use the word spiritual, but when doing so we should be aware of its real meaning. Perhaps “etheric hierarchy” are more appropriate words.

So the question should be what signals does the broader religion or its offshoots exhibit at the retail level, and is that coming from the political and business hierarchy, and how much influence do the mystics have? Are there any mystics still there in the background or is it all going on in the physical. Is there heavy influence and use of sensual experience, sound, taste, a group fervour and excitement, dramatic on stage healings, exorcism of demons and devils, or speaking in tongues. All those practices are popular with lower binary bubble religions which appeal to people who are anchored in the sensual world, who relate most to that sensual world, the world which panders to their senses.


In many western and eastern democracies we see the increasing popularity of charismatic Christianity with numerous variations, each a response to different intellectual interpretations. They exhibit, to varying degrees, those body-conscious draw cards mentioned above. It’s that focus which raises questions about the loftiness of the movement. Is that just the front to draw in the crowd, then carry them up to higher states, or is this body consciousness as good as it gets?

Are there high-principled modern-day ascetics at the top or is the leadership just a business? Do the leaders by any chance accumulate personal wealth from merchandising to the flock? Does the movement link devotion to its god with earthy rewards, like health, wealth and good looks? If so it’s a demonstration of the reverse evolution of religion, just as we see the evolution of empire from its golden age through to its decay.

This Charismatic Christianity owes its roots to Prosperity Gospel and you can trace this ideology back to New Thought Doctrine of the 19th century, which suggested that the divinity of individuals gave them the power of mind over matter. But that’s a halfway house idea developed by thinkers who didn’t have the complete picture and understand the synergy of soul and vision. But it’s true that if you focus everything on the vision of achieving a goal it is likely to happen, some will say purely by the force of perseverance and endeavour, but thats’s using Magic for personal gain, which comes at a price.

This new thought doctrine was picked up by Christian preachers who taught you didn’t need to be poor, you could transform your fortunes with prayer and other religious practice. This evolved into Pentecostals preaching that god will manifest in one’s life as health, wealth and good fortune. At the extreme this looks remarkably like “God as a kind of banker, with Jesus the teller”. (A quote from author Kevin Kruze).

What began as new thought had grown into prosperity doctrine and it is now enshrined in the concept of Word Faith doctrine. In Pentecostal economics there is little sense of Jesus on the side of poor and oppressed people. You should google these words and see where it takes you. There are some extraordinary characters, some famous hypocrites and a whole cast of phoney Christians starring in their unholy show.

Just how this amazing transformation took place is a chapter in itself but let’s confine it to a couple of paragraphs.  Whatever happened to the simplicity in the Jesus message; “goodwill to all, don’t focus on yourself, be generous in consideration of others”.

Or apostle Mathew’s “it’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get to heaven”, which I would interpret and advise if I was a priest taking confession as meaning: – “the process that made you rich might have been a little dubious so it could be difficult to get you into heaven at this time so you could consider a bit a philanthropy”.

But thanks to prosperity doctrine this somehow has changed to “god loves you, he gave you your riches so don’t be ashamed, Jesus died for your sins, so enjoy”.

Does that actually mean born-again Christians don’t have to take responsibility for their own actions? Wow, I have trouble understanding how that is supposed to work or who it applies to. His followers at the time or into the future?

I wonder if it could possibly be that Jesus dying for ones sins means a net increase in bad behaviour, seeing its so easy to have its stain supposedly erased by a confession and penance. This level of religion demonstrates that religion can degenerate to where it’s role is to lead its followers away from god, instead of towards.

Also, a related unknown which someone should research, is a question about cause and effect. We know there is a correlation between a recession and property crime, but what’s the cause of the rise of incidents of sexual and family violence, usually perpetrated by men against women, which is escalating into an epidemic. Can this be related to the undermining of traditional religion, the governments shedding of social welfare responsibilities which puts people under pressure and hardens a society.

The rise of loud media constantly drumming on about refugees, illegal immigrants, dole bludgers etc, while glorifying glamour, alcohol, gambling, money, greed and generally sponsoring selfish behaviour, all of which is bound to push down community moral and ethical standards. Is this driving our higher self further into the background, creating a more soul-less, sullen world, where anger and short tempers prevail? That’s a provocative question seeking an answer.


It’s time for a little technical information about the tools mind has to attract us into its web. There are the 5 bodily senses of taste, smell, sight, hearing and touch. A 6th sense is ESP or extra sensory perception which can be mind or soul having an input. Other classification systems have more, mostly to do with spacial recognition, but it gets too complicated when you include them all. The senses are inputs which facilitate functions of the body, but they play a roll in taking us off down a self indulgent path.

Then there are 5 passions of mind, which can be called perversions if they are allowed free reign and take control, though religions have their own interpretation, but I’m going with those from the oldest traditions. Anger is a type of madness which we should avoid if we can. Vanity, Greed, Lust and Attachment are the others.

By the looks of that Prosperity Gospel is encouraging its followers to lust after things, there is no problem with greed as having excess is a sign of god’s love, vanity is the opposite of humility, it’s flashy show of wealth, or religion, pride in possessions, over-preening, while attachment is the love and desire of material things.

I suggest then that pandering to these passions is counterproductive if the real goal is to minimise negative inputs that will ultimately clutter and destabilise one’s life. So pandering to these passions is just an example of how the revision after revision of the most simple and basic truth, meaning the repackaging of religion into new brands and sects, can lead to all the wrong conclusions and outcomes.


I’ve been puzzled how Jesus’s simple message could get lost and replaced by prosperity doctrine and be adopted and driven by the conservative side of politics. How could this possibly happen? But then it is a sort of natural fit as prosperity doctrine will attract those more prosperous, who are likely to support conservative values anyway. While the old school denominations will attract more traditional religious followers, being involved more in social justice and welfare, food kitchens, opportunity shops etc.

But then we see a more extreme development with the marriage between Christianity, conservative politics and neoliberal capitalism, which is obviously there for all to see. So I used Wikipedia and came across a perfectly logical explanation, it’s fantastic and exactly what you’d expect, with hindsight of course.

This will no doubt be belittled as a conspiracy theory, but it’s laid out clearly in a book by Kevin Kruze called “One Nation Under God”. Great to read the whole book, but as a taster google “new republic article 121564”. Kevin describes how America’s monied interests, worried they were to be overrun by lefties after the Great Depression, enlisted a James Fifield Jr, a Congregationalist pastor and his “spiritual mobilisation” organisation.

The Industrialists and bankers pumped in millions with the simple mission: stamp out Christian support for the generous welfare state, which is what Roosevelt’s New Deal was, with its concern for the poor, elderly and vulnerable – and to advance a new theory of Christian Libertarianism.

Spiritual Mobilisation with bottomless monetary resources was enormously successful and spawned Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell and the moral majority, all funded by the committed capitalists delighted by the arranged marriage of god and mammon. Kruze deftly outlines how the arteries of money and power that we now take for granted – between the Christian Right on one side, the preachers, industrialists and politicians on the other – was created. (quote from new republic article)

A summary of Kevin Kruze’s story is presented here as “Scam # 1”.

Scam number 1 – How Corporate America invented Christian America.

In the late 1930’s America was emerging from the Great Depression and President Roosevelt, a Democrat, was rolling out his New Deal, a huge social welfare program based on Keynesian economics that would stimulate and relaunch the national economy. In December 1940 the National Association of Manufacturers were convening for their annual meeting at the Waldorf Astoria in New York. They were searching for ways to circumvent the New Deal and resurrect their reputation that had been destroyed by the Great Depression and defamed by the New Deal. Speakers included titans of business from General Motors, General Electric, Standard Oil, Mutual Life, even FBI’s J. Edgar Hoover.

One of the final speakers was Reverend James W Fifield Jr, unheard of by most in attendance, but by the end of his speech they all rose to their feet to thunderous applause as the industrialists saw they had arrived at judgement day and were about to be showered with manna from heaven. No that’s going too far, they were simply innocent business men who saw an opportunity, for what will eventually be the biggest god ordained swindle in the history of the DCCC.

This is an extremely significant event in this chapter as it outlines the rationale of why god would favour those with more over those who have less, why the traditional Christian role of supporting and comforting those in need should be sidelined in favour of the new prosperity doctrine. For simplicity I’ve lined up the key milestones as bullets and stayed with much of the text and format of Kevin Kruze’s Politico magazine article of April 16 2015; How Corporate America Invented Christian America, as this is his story.

Later we will see the significance of these 2 conspiracies orchestrated and sponsored by big business and their role in the terminal decline of the DCCC neoliberal faction. But there is bound to be enormous discomfort as their corrupt model unravels.

  • December 1940, 41 year old Congregationalist minister Reverend James Fifield addresses the annual meeting of the National Association of Manufacturers, NAM, with a passionate defence of the American system of free enterprise and a withering assault on its perceived enemies in Franklin Roosevelt’s administration.
  • Decrying the New Deals encroachment upon American freedoms and listing a litany of sins committed by the Democrat government, including devaluation of currency, disrespect of the Supreme Court, singling out the regulatory state as a multitude of federal agencies attached to the executive branch and warned of the menace of autocracy approaching through bureaucracy.
  • For the industry titans who had time and time again been blamed for the Great Depression, here in the message from Fifield they saw the source of the nation’s salvation, they just needed to Get religion.
  • Fifield told them that clergymen were independent, would not be seen as representing self interest as were the industrialists, so could push back against Roosevelt’s claims that business had sinned and the welfare state was doing god’s work.
  • And so began the marriage between business and religion, a new christian libertarianism doctrine where christianity and capitalism were soul mates, that forces threatening capitalism by extension threatened christianity, a new world where businessmen would no longer suffer under social welfare programs but thrive in a nation under god.


After the Great Depression organisations like NAM had been searching for ways to rehabilitate their reputations and in 1934 a new generation of conservative leaders took over and initiated various marketing campaigns to spread the gospel of free enterprise, but these fell flat as they were seen as purely self interested. Their marketing budget in 1934 was a paltry $3600, but by 1938 it devoted $793,000 almost half its total income to the cause.

  • These advertising campaigns were transparent and easily debunked by Roosevelt’s administration, while Roosevelt’s himself was using shrewd religious language for his political ends, his speeches approached sermons, to which the National Bible Press even published a chart linking Roosevelt’s statements to biblical quotations.
  • Politically liberal clergymen echoed his arguments, championing a vast welfare state was simply the Christian thing to do, embodying the christian principals such as the significance of daily bread, shelter and security. So when the business men realised their economic arguments were no match for Roosevelt’s religious ones, they decided to beat him at his own game.

Fifield had taken over the elite First Congregational Church in Los Angeles in 1935 and in his sermons he dismissed the many passages in the New Testament about wealth and poverty, and instead assured the elite that their worldly success was a sign of god’s blessings. He became known as “The Apostle to Millionaires”.

  • He founded Spiritual Mobilisation, whose mission was “to arouse ministers of all denominations in America to check the trends towards pagan statism, which would destroy our basic freedom and spiritual ideals”.
  • The organisation’s credo reflected the common politics of his millionaire congregation, that “Men were creatures of god” with inalienable rights and responsibilities, the liberty and dignity of the individual, in which freedom  of choice, of enterprise and of property is inherent”. Churches had the solemn duty to defend those rights against the encroachment of the state.
  • In October 1938 Fifield sent an alarmist letter to 70,000 clergymen across the nation seeking to recruit them in a revolt against Roosevelt which began “We ministers have special opportunities and special responsibilities in these critical days”. “America’s movement toward dictatorship has already eliminated checks and balances in its concentration of powers in our executive”.
  • Within a few years Fifield and Spiritual Mobilisation had enlisted the support of the who’s who of the conservative establishment, perhaps the most important being J. Howard Pew Jr, President of Sun Oil.
  • Pew had been involved in previous anti new deal organisations like Liberty League and wanted to go harder than Fifield who he saw as too soft. But in February 1945 Pew was advised by famed industrial consultant Alfred Haak that the carefully framed and expertly crafted propaganda previously employed by the NAM hadn’t worked because it was too easily identified as having big money behind it.
  • Haak argued that the NAM should involve ministers of religion, the first step was making ministers realise they too had something to fear from the growth of government. “The religious leaders must be helped to discover that their callings are threatened by realising that the collectivism of the new deal with the glorification of the state is really a “denial of god”, and once alarmed they would join Spiritual Mobilisation and could then be organised more effectively into a force for change both locally and nationally.

With full coffers topped up by the growing number of industrialist sponsors, Fifield enlisted a growing number of “Minister Representatives” in every state, with large concentrations in the industrial regions of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois. They were overwhelmingly Protestant, though with a scattering of priests and rabbis, which allowed the organisation to portray itself as part of the new spirit of “Judaeo-Christianity

But as we will see later, what we are seeing here in Spiritual Mobilisation is the expanding influence of the predominantly Protestant Charismatic, Pentecostal Christianity and its prosperity doctrine.

  • In February 1947 Fifield reported in 3 years he had expanded the mass of their minister representatives from an initial 400 to 10,000 in all. He set them to work spreading arguments against the “pagan statism” of the new deal. “It is time to exalt the dignity of individual man as a child of God”. In political terms this is swinging the voters away from the welfare-focused Democrats over to the neoliberal Republicans.
  • Enthusiastic clergymen wrote to the Los Angeles office to request advertised copies of Friedrich Hayek’s “The Road to Serfdom”, and other anti New Deal tracts and books. Thus armed, the minister representatives transformed secular arguments into spiritual ones and spread them widely.
  • In October 1947 Spiritual Mobilisation held a national sermon competition on the theme “The perils of Freedom” with $5000 prize money, receiving entries from 15% of the entire nation’s clergymen.
  • Pleased with his progress, Fifield backers doubled his annual budget, with donations from 158 corporations, including General Motors, Chrysler, National Tyre and Rubber, and Gulf Oil.
  • Sun Oil’s Pew notes “a large percentage of ministers in this country are completely ignorant of economic matters and have used their pulpits for the purpose of disseminating socialist and totalitarian doctrines”, as he pleaded for more funding from industrialists to assist Fifield in his work.

The success of Spiritual Mobilisation drew scorn from progressives, and in February 1948 the Nation ran a cover story “A major battle for the minds of the clergy, particularly those of the Protestant persuasion, is now being waged in America”. The article detailed the scope of Spiritual Mobilisation operations, including its high-rent offices in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles, as well as the hundreds of thousands of pamphlets by pro-business authors it distributed for free, but no one knew who was funding the operation, the Nation warned. In response Spiritual Mobilisation redoubled its efforts taking an even more aggressive approach to public relations.

  • In 1949 it launched The Freedom Story, a 15 minute radio program featuring a dramatic presentation from Fifield which attached Democratic Party programs, but this segment was toned down on advice from his lawyer as such direct attacks would lose their “public service” designation which gave them free airtime.
  • With free sponsored airtime The Freedom Story was broadcast on over 500 stations, by late 1951 it aired on over 800.
  • Spiritual Mobilisation then launched a monthly magazine Faith and Freedom showcasing prominent libertarian authors including Ludwig von Mises, who along with Hayek had attended that original meeting in Paris in 1937 that had led to Conspiracy #1 with the industrialists funding the establishment of the neoliberal doctrine.
  • In a typical article in Faith and Freedom, Irving Howard, a Congregationalist minister darkly notes the “pagan origin of the Social Gospel in the 19th century Unitarianism and Transcendentalism, was part of a larger impetus to a shift from God to man, and from church to state”.

With the Republican gains in the mid-term elections of 1950, the forces behind Spiritual Mobilisation felt emboldened. In a letter to Alfred Sloan, the CEO of General Motors, Fifield reflected on the recent returns, claiming some credit for the result, he wrote “of course we are a little proud and very happy for whatever good we have been able to do in waking people up to the peril of collectivism and the importance of Freedom under God”.

For Fifield the phrase “Freedom under God” contrasted with what he saw as the oppression under the federal government, which became an effective new rallying cry in the early 1950’s which he emphasised repeatedly in his radio broadcast of The Freedom Story, but he soon found a more prominent means of spreading the message to the American people.

  • In spring 1951 S.M. Leaders struck upon another great idea to advance their cause. To mark the 175th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, they proposed for the week surrounding the 4th of July a massive series of events devoted to the theme “Freedom Under God”.
  • In June 1951 Spiritual Mobilisation announced a new Committee to Proclaim Liberty to coordinate the celebrations. Despite its apparent religious emphasis, the true goal of the Committee was to advance political conservatism, as its 2 most prominent members had an axe to grind with Democratic administrations: Hoover had been ousted by Roosevelt and General Douglas MacArthur was removed from his command in Korea 2 months earlier by Harry Truman.
  • These conservative icons were joined by military leaders, heads of patriot groups, conservative legal and political stars, right wing media figures, and outspoken conservatives such as Bing Crosby, Cecil B DeMille, Walt Disney and Ronald Reagan, but the majority came from corporate America. J Howard Pew, Harvey Firestone, Conrad Hilton, James L Kraft, Henry Luce, Fred Maytag and J C Penny. Plus leaders of General Motors, Chrysler, US Steel, and Gulf Oil.
  • The Committee took out full-page newspaper ads dropping the Founding Fathers long list of grievances, reprinting the preamble alone, allowing them to reframe the Declaration as a purely libertarian manifesto dedicated solely to the removal of oppressive government.
  • The Committee also enlisted the nation’s ministers by them signing up to a prefabricated press release calling for the “revival of a long forgotten custom in America — spiritual emphasis on the 4th of July”.
  • The Committee also established a sermon contest with cash prizes and other rewards by writing a sermon on the theme “Freedom Under God” and delivering it to their congregations on “Independence Sunday”, July 1st 1951.
  • These sermons were broadcast that evening on CBS’s national radio network. Cecil B DeMille and Fifield planned the production, Jimmy Stewart was MC, Bing Crosby and Gloria Swanson offered short messages, the Declaration preamble was read by Lionel Barrymore in costume, having posed for promotional photos under the banner “Freedom Under God Will Save our Country”.
  • General Mathew Ridgeway interrupted his duties leading the US Forces in Korea to send a keynote address from Tokyo. He stated “for the Founding Fathers there was no confusion of thought, no uncertainty of objectives, no doubt as to the road they should follow to their goals. Theirs was a deep and abiding faith in God, a faith which is still the great reservoir of strength of the American people in this day of great responsibility for their future and the future of the world.”

I’ll stop there as the fantasy blows out into what you’d think only Hollywood could conjure, but suffice to say the week was a great success, which the Committee decreed should be an annual event. The christian libertarianism which propelled this religious rhetoric into American politics proved short-lived, but its slogans thrived long after it was gone.

  • Throughout the 1950’s a new trend “under God Consciousness” transformed American political life.
  • In 1953 the first ever National Prayer Breakfast was convened under the theme “Government Under God”,
  • In 1954 the previously secular Pledge of Allegiance was amended to include the phrase “Under God”, a similar slogan “In God We Trust” also spread quickly.
  • Congress added it to stamps in 1954 and then to paper money in1955.
  • In 1956 the phrase “In God We Trust” became the nation’s first official motto.

“As the religious revival spread through American politics many began to believe their government was formally and fundamentally religious. In many ways they have believed it ever since”.

So ends Kevin Kruze’s article, published in Politico Magazine, which I paraphrased and added the bullets. The book tells the complete story and should be essential reading for all who wonder how America and its friends got itself into this current mess.


Christianity immediately post the Great Depression was supportive of the New Deal, which was the legislated program of Roosevelt to recover from the depression. It helped the Democrats remain in power for 7 of 9 terms from 1933 to 1969. The republicans were split with conservatives opposing the whole New Deal as hostile to economic growth, with moderate republicans in support. But the tide slowly turned as Christianity changed sides, which is understandable as it’s the message to the base that changed, it was more attuned to the day to day needs of the base, which is about health and security for themselves.

So the rise of Charismatic, Pentecostal Christianity saw the power shift to conservative parties which saw the shift to more extreme economic policies with smaller government, lower taxes, less services, freer markets, less regulation and what you would think was the reverse of what mass retail religion would be about. The result being higher inequality, the rich got richer and the poor poorer.

That’s a very interesting concept to me as generally, it would not be surprising if those politicians who have selfish inclinations themselves, will be attracted and drawn to a political party which is about supporting constituents who have more, who are more concerned about themselves than about others. They will reject this as they presume “normal” or most people think as they do, and in that they are probably right. So it’s probably also correct to presume that these people will vote for the political party who will protect their interests and assets.

Likewise a church which preaches your wealth is a measure of how you are loved by god will attract those who either already have those possessions, or those who are lusting after them. It seems only logical that these people would be voting for the political party which furthers their self-centred goals.

In both these situations, the politicians will feel most comfortable fraternising with like minded people, as would the churchgoers feel most comfortable amongst their like-minded flock. So generally we could see a clustering of more self-serving individuals, who have less resistance to, and be more easily drawn in by mind’s little games.

I wonder then, regarding the often conservative politicians who can never apologise for the unfortunate outcomes their decisions have caused, because they are more under the spell of mind with an inflated sense of their own importance, which will translate through to an inability to admit they were wrong. It would cost them prestige, which for them is very important.

The other aspect here though is these particular politicians can’t ever admit they were wrong because that could open them up for retribution and litigation, it could cost money, and as we have seen they are possibly more interested in financial affairs, than in the welfare of others. Is that a coincidence? Maybe, but some are very reluctant to ever apologise, which might explain this strange quirk of conservative politicians’ behaviour.

Whereas I’ve found it’s much easier to admit being a bit of a fool, an adventurous soul, a trier, a doer who of course sometimes gets it wrong, so apologise early as it’s the best way to move on.

The implications of what I’ve just said is this: Encouraging people to be selfish, by justifying selfishness for example, rather than being magnanimous and considering the needs of others equally, causes more people to accumulate more negative inputs. This destabilises them personally, and collectively adds to the karmic burden of the community, society and ultimately the nation. This changes the destiny, and therefore diminishes the nations good fortune, and there will eventually need to be a correction to bring it back towards an equilibrium.

A correction or balancing act is painful, so think about that at the next election, should you be swayed by promises of short term personal benefits, or should more weight be given to the welfare of others.

Mikey Weinstein and the Military Religious Freedom Foundation.

It pains me to use the “S” word, but so far it’s been the inner “spiritual” implications of extreme christianity in play, but when Donald Trump incited his insurrection of the Capital building on January 6 / 2021, the outer primitive side of extreme christianity was exposed. As there, caught on numerous cameras were hundreds of serving and retired military far right christian fanatics, storming the capital building, to expose the threat of fundamentalist christian infiltration of the USA armed forces. It’s like there are looneys who are marching towards their fantastical 21st century inquisition, soldiers of Christ, preparing the way for, (pause) no they couldn’t possibly see the Donald as their saviour.

It came as no surprise to Mikey Weinstein who in 2005 formed the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a NFP to protect the rights of military personnel to religious freedom as enshrined in the first amendment. MRFF has exposed and prosecuted hundreds of cases of persecution by christian religious extremists, either tolerated, condoned, supported or designed by higher rank officers in the Pentagon, even as high as the White House Vice President, deputy Chief of Staff of the military, the far right christian enabler –  Mike Pence. 

To understand where this came from you follow the rise of political power of the Christian Right, which was catapulted into the mainstream by scam #1 in the mid 20th century. From the 1980’s academics have been researching and warning of the danger posed by these threads of extremism spreading through the nation’s institutions, including the military, but little filtered through to the populous as Fundamental Christianity is not an abhorrent development for the conservative media.

This movement has many names that fall under the banner of Fundamentalist Christianity, like Premillennialism, Dispensationalism, Reconstructionist, Fundamentalist, or just Dominionist Christianity. “Dominion Theology” is a widely used umbrella term coined around the time George Grant, a prominent conservative Christian author mentioned “dominion” in his 1987 book;

The Changing of the Guard: Biblical Principles of Political action”.

“Christians have an obligation, a mandate, a commission, a holy responsibility to reclaim the land for Jesus Christ – to have dominion in civil structures, just as in every other aspect of life and godliness. …But it is dominion we are after. Not just a voice. … Christian politics had as its primary intent the conquest of the land – of men, families, institutions, bureaucracies, courts, and governments for the Kingdom of Christ”.

Incredible stuff, when you see where it leads, with one of its arteries growing into the military chaplaincy program and infiltrating the military leadership up into the Pentagon, espousing christian domination, holy wars, crusades against sinners, and intimidation of traditional christian and non christian military personnel.

For more on this story google Mikey Weinstein MRFF. 


These fundamentalist forms of Christianity, particularly prosperity doctrine are at best a dumbed down interpretation of scripture, by those with only an earthy understanding of “spirituality”. At worst it’s a half clever misrepresentation of scripture to relieve a wealthy audience of their feeling of guilt, and a justification for greed, having been originally engineered by those who have more, to transfer even more to themselves at the expense of those who have less.

The traditional function of religion was and still is to acknowledge and support those in need, while prosperity doctrine ignores that and goes the other way, focusing on ingratiating one’s little self. To take a religion, a whole movement, a nation, in that direction for your own personal gain  must come at a price, with ramifications for the perpetrators karmic debt, as well as the debt of the nation.

Christianity however does not encourage an understanding of karmic law and reincarnation, which doesn’t mean these laws are irrelevant, just that christians are arriving at conclusions based on insufficient evidence, essentially in the dark.

So with a more in depth understanding, the chaos we see today is what might be expected if you take past historical conduct as a cause and bring it forward to today as its effect. Unfortunately we can’t blame anyone but ourselves. We can’t cast blame to our ancestors, as they are us. 

So while the conditions and events in this present life are caused by the past, our current behaviour and decisions will only add to and exacerbate a growing problem. While there is no easy and painless solution on the national scale, individuals within it always have the choice to make their own preemptive changes, and as said before, escape being collateral damage.

A good starting point could be an acknowledgement that contemporary religious trends like prosperity doctrine can’t be right. Just as Jesus 12 disciples were of different levels of awareness, so too are today’s clergy, so it should not be that hard to see how the prosperity doctrine salesmen have come down to meet and appease the base, instead of trying to lift it up to a higher level.

Using the word “right” here comes from the first principle that the goal of human existence on the planet is to eventually learn to make decisions that lead to balance, to negate our karmic debt, so soul can emerge from its slumber, to regain control and freedom. So if we are adding to that karmic imbalance then we are heading in the “wrong” direction.

That tells us that some religions, or sects of religions are taking their followers away from the truth, essentially away from the goal of self realisation. This may be the correct path for some who need more life cycles to resolve complex issues, but for others it will be an unnecessary diversion. So a personal question could be where is your religion taking you, and is that where you want to be going.

It’s also an opportunity for the broader question about the role of mainstream religion.  Is it there to lead soul home to God, or is it’s role like the schoolyard gate, to keep the students inside to study, reincarnating in this case, instead of prematurely escaping into the wider world untrained.

For an entirely different take on the current state of world affairs, Christian prophecy buffs see the chaos today as a sign the second coming of their messiah is imminent. So I’ve considered a few of these prophecy, and can see how conclusions are reached. But they rely on the presumption that the bible is somewhat infallible, and that its written with hidden meanings, which gives rise to the different theories.

But if you weren’t trying to prove a hypotheses, in this case that Jesus is who Christians claim him to be, and that his return is imminent, then you could arrive at very different conclusions. Particularly when new evidence is introduced which demonstrates that religions like Christianity are valid within a binary context, but fall short when a study of the greater universe reveals the existence of worlds in Oneness.

As said earlier in this chapter, our goal could be to learn how to manage life within both those realms, embracing a binary mainstream belief, but understanding its limitations, while exploring in silence the wonders of the Oneness.
